Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sleepy Hollow Recap: Bring Me a Dream...

Sleepy Hollow, Episode 3: "For the Triumph of Evil"

Sleepy Hollow has been a lot of things in its short life span.  It has been a fantasy series.  It has been a kind of weird, alternate history show.  It can be incredibly cheesy.  It sometimes has a sort of buddy cop feel to it and it can be patently ridiculous.  Is Ichabod ever going to change clothes.  Jeans are your friend, homeboy.  All these things sort of dovetail and make the series immensely watchable and hugely entertaining.  This episode coninued that trend.  It also introduced a super creepy demon for Abbie and Ichabod to dispatch.  We also got a little bit more backstory for the Sisters Mills.  Hit the jump for more.

Abbie is dreaming.  We know she is dreaming, because Ichabod is interviewing a suspect and Captain Irving is totally cool with it.  We also know she is dreaming because Ichabod is interviewing a young Abbie and he is not going easy on her.  It is full on bad cop.  Abbie walks in to put a stop to this and when she gets a look at Ichabod his eyes are glazed over.  She tries to get away, but after encountering lots of locked doors, Abbie finds herself face to hollow, black, eyeless face with a creepy looking albino demon.

Abbie is woken by a phone call.  A pyschiatrist, Dr. Maura Vega, is threatening to kill herself and she only wants to speak to Abbie.  Abbie tries to talk her off the ledge, but she keeps saying crazy things.  It was all her fault.  Everything someone said was real.  She believed her and she should have told the truth.  Vega is talking about Abbie's institutionalized sister, Jenny.  She tells Abbie it's her fault and she deserves it.  When she turns to look at Abbie, her eyes are glazed over, just like Ichabod's were in Abbie's dream.  Creepy.  Vega takes a swan dive onto a car.

Abbie gives Irving and Ichabod the lowdown and they check out the body.  Vega's eyes dissolve into sand when they try to check them out.  After doing some checking on the good doctor, it turns out that Vega was one of the resident psychiatrists at Terrytown Psychiatric, the asylum where Jenny is.  She was also in Abbie's dream, even though Abbie had never met her before.  Ichabod is over the moon about this.  His theory?  Abbie is having prophetic dreams.  Abbie isn't buying it, but she allows Ichabod to convince her to go talk to Jenny at the asylum.

At the asylum, Jenny refuses to see Abbie, but Ichabod is able to go see her.  He tells her about Vega's jump.  Jenny doesn't seem super suprised.  Crane tries to get more information, but Jenny refers him back to Abbie.  Abbie tells Ichabod what happened after they were found in the woods.  A famer named Gilespie found them and the were questioned by the police.  Jenny was quick to say that the girls had seen a demon.  When Abbie saw how everyone reacted, she denied everything.  Jenny refused to lie and Jenny was sent away. Ichabod breaks it down for Abbie.  It's all very simple.  Abbie feels guilty.  Ta-dah!  Again, Abbie doesn't want to hear it.

What is up with Abbie's douche-y ex-boyfriend, Morales?  Are they setting him up to be an antagonist to what Abbie and Ichabod are doing?  Is there more to him than meets the eye?  Iriving finds a horse crossing sign in his office with the head missing.  Morales says he put it in there as a hazing ritual.  Irving takes it in stride.  It was an odd scene.  It felt throwaway, but I wonder if there was more to it.

Gilespie, the farmer who found Abbie and Jenny in the woods, is not having a great day.  Neither is his wife.  He is holding her in their kitchen and gunpoint.  Guess who he wants to talk to?  That's right.  Abbie tries to talk Gilespie down, but when she sees that his eyes are glazed over, we know it's kind of a lost cause.  Gilespie tells Abbie that The Sandman is coming for her the next time she falls asleep, then he shoots himself.

It's time for another installment of "Ichabod Tries Something From the Modern World and Gets a History Lesson."  He tries an energy drink and the reaction is my reaction every time I accidentally drink Red Bull.  The history lesson comes after Ichabod deduces that the Sandman is comes from a Mohawk legend about dream spirits.  The majority of them are nice, but there are a few that are naughty.  Ichabod needs a shaman, and at this point, Abbie gives him the down and dirty about what happened to the native peoples after the war.  She does have an idea about where they might be able to find a shaman.

Abbie takes them to a car dealership.  They meet Native American, Seamus Duncan.  So, they give him the whole story and he agrees with them surprisingly quickly.  I'm hoping that Duncan becomes a regular character and we maybe get some backstory, because otherwise, this would smack of terrible plotting and I don't really want to believe that.  Duncan gives them the skinny on what the Sandman is doing.  He's tormenting his victims by making them relive all the mistakes and bad decisions they've made until it drives them crazy.  Then, he takes their souls to hell.

Abbie and Ichabod drink a special tea to take them into the dream world to confront the Sandman.  Once there, the partners get separated.  Abbie confronts the Sandman, but he starts to torture her with her failures.  Ichabod makes his way to her, but it looks like it's going to be too late.  Abbie admits to seeing the demon.  She admits to everything that happened that night in the woods.  Once she does, The Sandman turns to glass and Abbie is able to shatter him. Pretty cool visuals all around, even if, just like last episode, things are wrapped up a little too tidily and quickly.

Abbie and Ichabod are able to convince Irving to use the room they found as their new office.  He doesn't seem to want too much information, as long as they get results.  I get the feeling that Irving is not really on their side, but I could be wrong.

Abbie and Ichabod return to the asylum to visit Jenny.  When they get there, they find that she has escaped through a loose panel in the ceiling.

So, what did you guys think?  Were you happy to meet Jenny and get some backstory?  What did you think of the Sandman?  Were you a Duncan fan?  Let me know.

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