Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Recap: Teambuilding

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Episode 2: "0-8-4"

This is it.  The pilot has aired.  Joss has gone back to writing Avengers: Age of Ultron and has left day to day duties of the show.  This episode will give us a good idea of what to expect from the series week to week.  How did the second episode pan out?  Hit the jump for more.

Skye cleans out her van/home and heads onto the Bus.  She accepts Coulson's offer, but Ward is not pleased, even though she is just coming on as a consultant, not a full fledged agent.  Ward attempts to remind Coulson that she is a member of the Rising Tide and she has hacked their security.  Twice Coulson is quick to point out and with a laptop.  Coulson has already thought of their objections and doesn't want to hear them, although he does note Ward's frown. The Rising Tide has to be an offshoot of some well known Marvel terrorist group, right?  They keep mentioning Hydra, so that's my guess, but it could be A.I.M, which was introduced in Iron Man 3.  With the Rising Tide's connections to technology and science, my money is on A.I.M, but that may be too obscure.

The team's next mission is to head to Peru to pick up an "0-8-4," an object of unkown origin.  Coulson isn't sure what that means, but the last one he found was a hammer.  This was a nice little wink to Thor for the Marvel faithful and being one of those faithful I really appreciate it.

The team lands in Peru and finds the 0-8-4 embedded in the wall of tomb.  It looks like the device is alien in origin and could be 1500 years old, according to Simmons.  While Grant and Melinda are keeping a watch, we learn that Melinda used to be called The Cavalry, a nickname she is not fond of.  They are ambushed by Peru's National Police.  Lucky for them, Coulson used to have sexytime with their leader, Commandante Camilla Reyes.  After some bantering, Peruvian rebels show up to crash the party.

The team is able to get away with the 0-8-4, but it's still not great news.  According to FitzSimmons, the core of device is made from tesseract energy and Hydra and bad stuff and gamma radiation.  It could also explode at any moment.

Coulson's team is experiencing some growing pains, much like any other team of misfits and loners that are brought together and expected to function as a unit.  After getting a dressing down from Coulson, Skye approaches Ward to mend some fences and what better way to do it than by getting liquored up.  Reyes and Coulson are reconnecting in his office and she is marveling at his collection of old timey gadgets ala his Captain America training cards from The Avengers.  Coulson gets suspicious when Reyes tries to get frisky with him.  Speaking of raising suspicions, Ward notices that the officers haven't  touched their drinks.

You guessed it.  The police officers are the bad guys.  They knock out Melinda and use Skye and FitzSimmons as leverage.  This provides a perfect time for Reyes to do some monologuing.  It turns out that Peru commissioned the device after the World War II using Hydra scientists.  The device was lost, but when they heard the alert about the 0-8-4, they knew it had been found.  They want to use the device to crush the rebels and rule Peru.

The rest of the team bands together to save Coulson.  Melinda embraces her reputation as "The Cavalry" and gets them out of the hangar.  FitzSimmons remotely activates the device, which is how the hole gets blown in the side of The Bus.  The team works together to stop the NP's.  Skye inflates raft, which plugs up the hole and saves Ward.  See kids.  Those safety instructions on airplanes actually serve a purpose.

Alls well that ends well.  The team is united and coming together as a unit.  Skye is going to become a full fledged field agent with Ward as her Superior Officer.  The device gets placed on The Slingshot, which looks like a rocket that will send it into the sun so no one can get a hold of it.  It's not all happy times though.  Skye gets a text from someone at the Rising Tide.  She simply let's them know, "I'm in."

Now, I'm not surprised that Skye is maybe going to be a double agent.  It is kind of a lazy twist, no matter how it turns out.  The only way that it couldn't be is if she actually turned out to be a bad guy, but I don't see that happening.  Also, wouldn't they have taken her cell phone from her or be monitoring her a little more closely?  I don't know.  The whole thing just rubs me the wrong way, but maybe something will happent to change how I feel.

So, I'm curious to hear what you thought.

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