Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall TV Preview: Arrow Season 2

The Hero That Starling City Deserves

Tonight, the CW continues it's week late rollout of new shows.  Arrow is one of the CW's biggest success stories and it follows in the footsteps of Smallville, another CW show based on a DC comic character.  This season will see Oliver stepping up and facing down some famous DC characters, including a Scarlet Speedster who is destined for his own show.  So, where did we leave off and what can we expect?  Hit the jump for more.

Where We Left Off:  Oliver and Diggle raced to stop Malcolm Merlyn from completing his plan to destroy the Glades as revenge for his wife dying there.  Moira held a press conference and admitted to her part in the Undertaking, resulting in her arrest.  Oliver let Laurel know how he felt about her.  Thea continued her relationship with Roy, while Roy continued to get closer to the Hood.  Detective Lance is able to find Merlyn's device and disable it before it goes off.  Ollie and Diggle mortally wound Merlyn, but he has another trick up his sleeve, another device that he is able to detonate.  Tommy dies after saving Laurel and the last shot we see as the episode ends is the levelled Glades.

What Can We Expect:  According to producers, this is the season where Ollie stops being a vigilante and starts being a hero.  There is a jump between the season finale and the premiere and Ollie has stopped going out as the Hood.  Ollie is facing challenges in business in the form of Isabel Rochev (Summer Glau) who is trying to take over Queen Consolidated.  DC characters will be crawling out of the woodwork.  Ollie will be facing off against Bronze Tiger, Brother Blood and Amanda Waller.  Those are just the ones we know about.  I'm sure that more will be announced as the season progresses.    It also announced that this season would introduce, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin).  He'll appear in a few episodes, one of which will serve as a backdoor pilot for a Flash-centric spin-off.  There is a good chance will see robots this season, since it was recently reported that Dylan Neal has been cast as Amazo creator Professor Ivo.  The Hood has influenced others to take up his cause and the premiere will feature Black Canary and her sidekick Sin.  Producers have stressed that this is just one incarnation of Black Canary and she will have a profound effect on Laurel.  Foreshadowing!  

I'm pretty excited for the new season.  I'm glad producers have embraced they comics and are expanding the mythology of the show.  The show really got into it's groove around the midway point and the finale was one of the best finales of last season.  Here's hoping the trend continues.

Are you guys excited for the premiere?  Who are most excited to see?  Anyone you're hoping will show up?  Let me know.

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