Star Wars The Clone Wars
I'm always really excited when I realize one of the episodes is focused on Padmé seeing as how she is one of my favorite Star Wars characters and definitely my favorite prequel trilogy characters. I am always let down. We have another one today. Will I actually be happy with it? Let's find out together.
"Senate Spy," Season Two, Episode 4
"A true heart should never be doubted."
Narrator: "Treachery in the Senate! The Jedi Council suspects that Senator Rush Clovis is secretly taking part in a Separatist conspiracy. But to find out what the Senator from Scipio is up to, the Council will need a spy of its own. Meanwhile, Jedi Anakin Skywalker has been away from Coruscant on a lengthy tour of duty leading the clone army. Now Anakin returns for a long-awaited reunion with his wife, Padmé Amidala..."
Anakin and Padme's reunion is cut short when Anakin is summoned to the Jedi Council leaving a pouty Padmé in her apartment. The Council informs Anakin that they have attempted to enlist Padmé in spying on Clovis, but she has refused and they believe that he can convince her. Anakin agrees with Padmé though, especially after hearing about her and Clovis' "special" relationship. Once Anakin starts coddling her, Padmé is all in. Will she be able to spy on her colleague and get the intel the Council is looking for?
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Lovers. Gross. |
In the intro to this post, I wondered if "The Clone Wars" would finally give Padmé an episode worthy of her and spoiler alert... they don't. Sigh. This episode paints Padmé as a petty, jealous shrew who goes on a dangerous mission just to make her husband jealous. It isn't a great look for her and isn't really in character at all. The episode abandons all logic to really commit to this ludicrous premise.
I knew this episode was going to be a dud when it began with scenes from Anakin and Padmé's marriage. No thanks. Then, we get the council still acting like they have no idea that Anakin is in a romantic relationship with Padmé. It's increasingly ludicrous especially from Obi-Wan. Really, Obi-Wan? You have no idea where Anakin could be or why he isn't answering his request from the council. Insert giant eye roll from me.
When Anakin finally decides to answer the call, Padmé is very upset and it just makes zero sense. I get they haven't seen each other in a while and they are in love and such, but Padmé is all about duty. This is a woman who was the youngest elected queen of Naboo. Who became a Senator as soon as her reign was over. She has made a ton of sacrifices because of her duties so why would she suddenly become super pouty and petty because Anakin is finally doing his? It's so dumb and gets even dumber when Anakin returns and Padmé morphs into Peppermint Petty. She clearly senses Anakin's jealous and so that is what makes her change her tune on spying on a colleague. Not that he might be helping the Separatists which why didn't the Jedi mention that to her before? Why are these smart characters acting so dumb.
The lack of logic continues when Padmé meets with Clovis. It's never disclosed how deep their relationship went but in the prequel book "Queen's Shadow," which, to be fair, was written way after this episode was written, Padmé cuts their relationship off when she realizes that Rush wants to take it to the next level. So, he's been pining for her for this long? He immediately suggest she accompany him to Cato Neimodia, the home planet of her biggest enemies, people who have tried to kill her multiple times. He doesn't once think this is weird.
This whole episode I kept waiting for some twist or deus ex machine to make it make sense. That maybe Padmé was faking being poisoned or Clovis knew all along she was duping him, but nope. Nothing. It all plays out just the way you would expect it. Padmé gets the factory plans, Anakin saves her and leaves Clovis to the mercies or the Neimoidians.
I legit can't think of one thing about this episode I enjoyed.
Grade: F
"Landing at Point Rain," Season Two, Episode 5
"Believe in yourself or no one else will."
Narrator: "Counterattack! With the clone army stretched in a desperate attempt to engage General Grievous' Starfleet, Separatist planets that were once thought secure are now rising up against the Republic. On Geonosis, Separatist leader, Poggle the Lesser, safe in his newly ray-shielded factories, creates thousands of terrible weapons which march off the assembly line against the outnumbered clone army. The Jedi, resolute in the effort to restore order to the Republic, mount a massive invasion to retake Geonosis and shut down Poggle's factories once and for all..."
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ki Adi Mundi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano engage in a three part plan to retake Geonosis and stop Poggle the Lesser once and for all. Things quickly go south with no one making it to the landing pad and Obi-Wan MIA. Anakin and Ahsoka try not to assume the worst, but press on. Can they take down Poggle's shields and take control of his factories?
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Must save Obi-Wan |
After the last episode, I was more than ready for a big, battle centric "Clone Wars" episode and on that front "Landing at Point Rain" really delivered. It's pretty much at a ten the entire time and that's really right where it needs to be. It's basically the Battle of Geonosis Part 2 and I'm not mad at it, since that was basically the best part of "Attack of the Clones." There are real stakes here. Obi-Wan is injured. No one knows if he's ok. It really highlights the Republic's hubris. They clearly didn't the the Geonosians were a threat and that bites them in the ass here. They go from being supremely confident to "oh fuck" in a matter of moments, which is another way that this show uses fantasy to shine a light on real war and how fucked up it is.
Speaking of that, the show continues to lean hard into that theme here. There is the running theme of Anakin, Ahsoka and we find out in the end, Ki Adi Mundi keeping track of their kills, which is something real soldiers did. You might think, oh well, they are mainly killing droids, but that's not all they are killing. The Geonosians are living breathing beings which makes the scene where the Clone Troopers are literally burning them alive with flamethrowers all the more chilling. It has been a while since I've seen this episode so I was kind of taken aback by this. I had to keep reminding myself that this was a show primarily aimed at children.
I know I bring this up a lot, but one of my favorite things about "The Clone Wars" is how they shine a light on lesser known Jedi, in this case, Ki Adi Mundi, who is a legit bad ass.
Because this episode is so action heavy, it can feel kind of slight plot wise, but I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing. This is a show about war so there should be some epic battles and this one is relatively epic. The fights are brutal. The fight choreography is excellent. There are moments of levity, like Ahsoka reading Anakin on the battlefield. All in all, a solid "Clone Wars" episode.
Grade: B+
Next up, Ahsoka and Barriss Offee attempt to destroy the droid factory, Luminara Unduli is captured and Ahsoka and Barriss are tasked with delivering medical supplies.
Let me have it. Was I too harsh on "Senate Spy." I'm ready to hear any wrong opinions. *wink* Do you enjoy the more action heavy episodes? Let me know in the comments.
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