Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sleepy Hollow Recap: His Name is Moloch

Sleepy Hollow, Episode 4: "The Lesser Key of Solomon"

Sleepy Hollow continued to place it's own twist on history with a spin on what happened at the Boston Tea Party.  We also were able to put a name to this season's big bad.  Moloch is coming, y'all.  So, what went down and what exactly is the lesser key of Solomon?  Find out after the jump.

The episode starts with one of the funniest things I've seen so far on television this season.  Ichabod is monolguing about Katrina.  The camera pans out and you see that he is sitting in the front seat of Abbie's squad car and he is counselling the OnStar operator on her love life.  I guffawed.  Good job, Ichabod.  You are paying homage to another famous Dr. Crane.

Things go down at a rapid pace in the episode.  Jenny's on the run and it seems like Irving is giving Abbie and Ichabod a pretty long leash.  I wonder if he is giving them just enough rope to hang themselves?

Jenny is attemtping to make a run for it, gathering supplies at a bar and having a powwow with the bartender.  Abbie and Ichabod are running down Jenny's many, many priors and Abbie is feeling guiltier and guiltier as she reviews her sister's file.  Abbie is really getting a handle on how lying negatively impacted her sister.  Abbie went to one foster home, while Jenny had seven.  Ichabod suggests that they visit some of Jenny's previous fosters.

The foster home is one you see on TV a lot.  It's dirty and dingy.  One of the woman's foster kids is laying on the ground.  Abbie puts the screws to the foster mom and she lets Abbie know that Jenny used to sneak out and head to a cabin at Trout Lake.

Abbie and Ichabod aren't the only ones who are looking for Jenny.  Shorly after Jenny escapes, a piano teacher receives a mysterious call and he is on her trail.  He tortures Wendell, the bartender who Jenny goes to for help, and kills him.  Uh oh.  The Sleepy Hollow PD finds his decapitated body later on.  Iriving notices that the murder is not similar to the HH victims and determines that the sleepy berg has a new killer on their hands.

Abbie and Ichabod turn up at the Trout Lake cabin.  It turns out that the cabin belongs to the dearly departed Sheriff Corbin.  When I saw the pictures of Jenny and Corbin together, I thought maybe that they had some May-December thing going on, I also wondered how Abbie had no idea that they knew each other.  Seemed a little odd.  Jenny shows up and pulls a gun on the duo and there is some sisterly bickering, until Ichabod does some shrinking and convinces the girls to put their differences aside.

It turns out that Corbin went to see Jenny the night before he died.  He had a feeling that something bad was going to go down and sent Jenny to collect a box.  In said box, was a sextant that Ichabod recognizes.  He gives the girls a history lesson about the Boston Tea Party that differs from what you learned in school.  According to Ichabod, the dumping was a diversion so the Colonials could steal a weapon from the British.  Crane found a chest that had markings on it similar to the markings on the box that held the sextant.  Crane sent the chest he found back to Britain.  Corbin's sextant is a projector that shows a survey map of Crane era Sleepy Hollow.  It pinpoints the location of the chest that Ichabod found back in Revolutionary War time.  The mystery deepens.

Before our heroes can get moving, the bad guys show up with a shoot first ask questions later attitude.  The make off with the sextant, but Abbie, Ichabod, and Jenny are able to capture the psycho piano teacher torturer.  He is very chatty and does some villain monologuing.  We are given a pretty lengthy info dump.  It turns out the box holds a doorway to the seventh circle of Hell.  Apparently, there are 72 demons that could be unleashed on the world.  There is a book called The Lesser Key of Solomon, a book of black magic written by King Solomon.  There is a key that will unleash all the demons on the world.  Creepy piano teacher knows Jenny, Ichabod and Abbie and tells them they are too late.  That Moloch shall rise.  He then eats a cyanide capsule or something and dies.  No one is surprised.

While the girls launch into more bickering, Ichabod figures out where the lesser key is located.  Come on, ladies!  Don't be that way.  Don't let Ichabod steal your show!  The cult members are at the key's location.  I'm a little foggy on where that was.  Does anyone know?  Did they say and I just missed it?  We are treated to lots of creepy imagery, something the show really excels at.  There is blood dripping on the map, candles burning and the portal begins to open.  During all this, our dream team arrives and engages in battle with the cultists.  Abbie tosses the book into the portal.  I'm not sure if the cultists are thrown in or if they just follow suit, but once the book and cultists are gone, the portal closes.

Jenny believes that Abbie and Ichabod are witnesses.  So, she is firmly team Crane when it comes to Abbie and Icahbod's roles in all this.  The sisters finally have a nice moment, where Abbie apologizes to Jenny for not backing her up and being a bad sister.  I hope we see more of Jenny.  She sort of humanizes Abbie and she plays off Ichabod well.

It also turns out that the demon that we've been seeing all over the place is Moloch.  So, we have a big bad for this season.  Who knows.  Maybe we'll meet another.

Your turn.

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