Thursday, November 7, 2013

Trailer Time: X-Men Days of Future Past

The first trailer for Bryan Singer's return to the X franchise promises epic awesomeness

The X-Men film franchise has had it's fair share of ups and downs.  The first film was a decent introduction to the merry mutants.  It had it's faults, I'm looking at you Halle Berry and you toad and lightning comment.  X2 is still the high water mark for the franchise and one of the best comic book films ever made.  After Singer left, the third movie was helmed by Brett Ratner of Rush Hour fame (?). It was pretty all over the place and there was talk that it may be the last film.  

Well, Twentieth Century Fox was not going to let their cash cow go quietly into that good night.  You know what time it was.  Reboot time!  They hired James Mcavoy and Michael Fassbender to play the younger versions of friends turned enemies Xavier and Magneto.  Aside from a terrible wooden performance by January Jones, X-Men First Class was a return to form and a critical and box office hit.  

A sequel was inevitable and fandom let out a cheer when it was announced that not only was Bryan Singer making his triumphant return but he was going to loosely base the story on one of the most famous X-Men stories of all time: Days of Future Past.  Singer was super active on Twitter and announcements came fast and furious.  Cast members past would be returning and new additions would be made.  If you saw The Wolverine this summer, you got the first tease to whet your appetite.  

Now, we have the first official trailer for the film and it is pretty awesome.  We get glimpses of old favorites like Storm, Rogue, Iceman and Kitty Pryde as well as new additions like Bishop, Blink and Peter Dinklage's '70's iteration of Sentinel creator, Bolivar Trask.  It looks like the framework of the comic book story is going to be the same.  Professor X transports Wolverine's mind back to his past body and hijinks ensue.  Seriously.  This trailer is awesome.  McAvoy and his Seventies 'do.  Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique being threatened by Magneto.  I can't do it justice.  Just watch the trailer after the jump and leave your comments.

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