Thursday, November 7, 2013

Once Upon a Time Recap: Clap Your Hands...

Once Upon a Time, Episode 3: "Quite a Common Fairy"

So, first we were introduced to Captain Hook and despite ourselves, we fell in love with this rogue.  Then, we found out all about Never Land and met some creepy, dirty looking Lost Boys.  We saw a shadow that was nothing like the whimsical sword fighting shadow we remembered from our childhood.  We met Peter Pan, a homocidal brat who is threatening our heroine's son.  It was dislike before first sight.  There is just one Never Land character we were missing.  Well never fret.  With this episode, we were introduced to everyone's favorite green fairy.  Yes, Tinker Bell was introduced to the Onceverse.  How did she fare?  What tweaks were made to her origin?  Hit the jump to find out.

Our heroes are still navigating the jungles of Never Land trying to find Henry using the map provided by Pan.  Everytime they think they have found where the need to be the X on the map moves.  It turns out that Pan is effing with them.  You didn't really think it would be that easy?  Come on guys.

At camp, Pan is still giving Henry the hard sell.  Henry isn't buying it.  I have a feeling that will change.  Henry's resolve is pretty strong, but if watching situations similar to this have taught me anything, eventually Henry will start to come around to Pan's way of thinking.  Pan gives Henry an apple, but Henry is hip to the trouble apple eating can get you into.  If having Regina for a mother has taught him one thing, it's that.  Pan tells Henry the apple isn't for eating, but for target practice.

In the Enchanted Forest, Neal is manically searching for a way to get to Never Land to save his family.   We are given our first glimpse at Robin's Merry Men.  Fun.  If you enjoyed Robin and the Merry Men, tune into Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, where we are treated to a cross over of sorts.  Neal is losing all hope, but he gets a very Rumplestiltskin-like glimmer in his eye when Robin's son Roland enters the room.  *gulp*

Our merry band in Never Land are trying to figure out a way to pin down where Pan's actual camp is.  Hook thinks he knows of a way.  There is a certain pixie who was once close to Pan who should be able to stroll in without causing the evil tween to bat an eye.  You guessed it.  Tinke Bell is finally getting the Once Upon a Time treatment.  Regina is not happy about this plan at all, which is not suspicious.  Come on, Regina.  I know your poker face is better than all that.

It's flashback time!  We're back to Regina when she still looked alarmingly like her nemesis.  She still hasn't completely succumbed to the dark side and she has been skipping her magic lessons with Rumple.  Not so fast says the Dark One.  It's already been decided.  The darkness likes Regina.  Regina is contemplating things, leaning against her balcony and then, damn that shoddy fairytale land stonesmanship and the railing breaks.  Regina is falling and who should show up and save her?  It's Tinker Bell, y'all, looking like your daughter the first day you allow her to dress herself.  Regina launches into the same old story.  Snow ruined my life blah blah.  Snow took my love from me blah blah.  Snow is the real evil one blah blah.  Tink's not buying it.  She's quirky, didn't her rats nest hairdo give it away?  She knows what Regina needs.  A new love.  Duh!  She announces that she is going to use pixie dust to find Regina's new love.

Tink heads to the HFIC -- Head Fairy in Charge -- to report in.  This is, of course, the Blue Fairy.  Kudos to the Once special effects department.  I was suitably impressed with the meeting between the fairies in a flower.  I'm not sure how they can do so well on the mothership but when it comes to the spin off it looks too fake.  Anyways, Blue is not crazy about Tink helping Evil Queen Regina.  Blue grounds Tink, but of course Tink will not be swayed.  Like all misunderstood misfits, she is determined to prove Blue wrong, so she steals pixie dust and takes off.

Tink is triumphant when the pixie dust leads Regina to a tavern and a man with a lion tattoo.  It's her happy ending.  Huzzah!  I mean, revisionist history, series over, right?  Not so fast.  As soon as Tink flies away, Regina bolts.  Choosing revenge and darkness over her own happiness.  Tink comes back to Regina's bedroom to find out what happened and giggle and girl talk, only to find that Regina's bitch is back.  She tells Tink that her pixie dust was worthless and so was she.  Tink knows better.  She knows that Regina chickened out.  It's always nice when a character is able to easily see through Regina's deceptions.  Regina is unbowed and she sends Tink away.

Tink is intercepted by Blue who is not pleased.  Tink begs for another chance, but it turns out she has already had multiple chances.  With the same tone your mom and dad use when they say they are disppointed in you, Blue tells Tink that she doesn't believe in her anymore.  She strips Tink of her wings and now we know the source of Green's beef with the Evil Queen.

In the Enchanted Forest, Neal fills Robin in on his plan.  He's going to use Roland to summon Peter's shadow and then use the shadow to take him to Never Land.  Robin is understandably hesitant.  Neal gives him his whole "I need to save my family" spiel and he finally agrees.  So, it was never spelled out, but we're assuming that Roland's mom is Marian, yes?  Do you think she's actually dead or will she show up at some point?

Mulan takes point on Operation: Lure Shadow.  At first, it looks like the Shadow isn't going to show up.  Of course, he does at the last minute.  It's all very touch and go, but Neal is able to snag the Shadow and use it to carry him all the way to Never Land.  Once he is dropped, Neal is confronted by the greasiest of the Lost boys, Felix.

Robin sees muy potential in Mulan and invites her to join his band of Merry Men.  Mulan has decided to take Neal's advice and finally fess up to the person that she loves.  She strides purposefully.  Wait.  It's not Phillip that Mulan is going to talk to.  It's Aurora.  YAAASSS!!!  Mulan is a lesbian.  I love this.  Eddy and Adam have been teasing fans of the show for a while that they would be introducing a homosexual character.  Sorry SwanQueen shippers.  This was a great scene all around.  It really captured that moment right before you're going to bear your soul to someone.  Then, Aurora drops the bombshell that she is pregnant.  Great job, Jamie King.  The play of emotions on her face after she finds out was great.  Mulan announces that she is leaving to join Robin's Merry Men.

In Never Land, Pan is trying to ingratiate himself with Henry.  When making Henry shoot an apple off someone's head doesn't work, he tries flattery.  Emma's not the savior.   Henry is.  Pan knows that Henry is the one he has been looking for.  He hands Henry a rolled up piece of paper.  Henry is hesitant to open it, but when he does, he finds a drawing of himself.  My question:  Has Pan really had this all this time or did he just recently draw it to try and manipulate Henry?

Regina is working overtime to convince the others they don't need Tinker Bell.  How do they not see through this and realize that they have a history?  Regina even goes so far as to try to convince Emma to combine their magic.  No one is buying it.  So, of course, Regina gets kidnapped by Tink, after the former pixie leads our heroes on a wild goose chase.  Tink is going to kill Regina, but Regina offers to do the job herself.  Yanking out her own heart and offering to crush it.  It all goes down how you'd expect.  If you kill me, you're no better than me.  I just want to find my husband.  Eventually, Tink backs down.  Tink refuses to help, saying that Henry has been with him too long.  After the others find the former fairy and the Evil Queen, they convince her to at least come back to camp with them.  Tink asks Regina if she ever went back and found the man with the lion tattoo.  She did not.

Who is this mysterious man who can melt the Queen's frozen heart?  Why, it's none other than Robin Hood, of course.

Your turn.

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