Monday, January 23, 2023

"Last Son" Re-Watch: "Apokolips... Now!" Parts 1 & 2

 Superman The Animated Series

After you watch these episodes, you might think that these two episodes were the second season finale. I would understand that. But they are not. We still have one more two parter to go. Let's get into it.

Lois Lane: "So you're saying that not even Superman could stop this thing?"
Dan Turpin: "I'm saying we can't always expect one guy to save our sorry butts, even if he is Superman. This time we'll have to tackle it ourselves. "
Lois Lane: [more to herself] "Good luck."
Clark Kent: [surreptitiously using his powers to glance at writing on the tank.] "It almost looks... alien."
Lois Lane: [sarcastic] "Sure, Kent. Maybe it was a Martian strapped for cash."

Intergang and Darkseid finally make their move against Earth and Metropolis. After an attack leaves his partner, Maggie Sawyer, in the hospital, Dan Turpin decides to take matters into his own hands. Unfortunately, even Superman is struggling with the Apokoliptian technology. He gets help from Orion of New Genesis, the peaceful sister planet of Apokolips. But just when they think they've driven Darkseid away, things get worse.

Orion's story.

"Superman: The Animated Series" has been teasing Darkseid and Apokolips for a while and all that teasing finally comes to a head in this two-parter. It turns out that what this show was really missing was some Apokolips action. 

These two episodes go hard from the start and they don't really let go of you for the entire time. The opening action sequence is great. But there is one moment that kind of made me laugh, and I don't think it was meant to, is when Maggie Sawyer is hurled into the rubble when the Apokolips tank shows up to steal back Intergang's laundered money. First off, she really conveniently lands in the person sized hole of the rubble. But this is another instance of that this woman should be dead. I mean, hole or not, she hits that pile of rubble hard. Like, no one is surviving that. It's like when Turpin got electrocuted by Livewire. And I get it, it's a cartoon etc. It's my only issue with this episode so I figured I'd get it out of the way right off the top.

Speaking of Maggie Sawyer, I feel like we get confirmation that in "Superman: The Animated Series, she is a lesbian. She is a proud lesbian in the comics and like they don't say that she is a lesbian, but its heavily implied here. There is a woman around her age that is by her hospital bedside. They are holding hands. I'm not getting sister or cousin vibes. It feels like they are lovers. Or they just really close roommates. Either/or.

Orion makes his debut. He shows up to help Superman battle Darkseid's forces. While at STAR labs, Orion uses his Mother Box to tell them the story of Apokolips and New Genesis. Two planets continuously at war. New Genesis ruled by the benevolent Highfather and Darkseid ruled by the despotic Darkseid. The two planets entered into an uneasy truce, exchanging sons in order to keep the peace. There is a lot of exposition here, but it never feels like an information dump. You're never bored. The art here is beautiful. It hearkens back to Jack Kirby's art. I feel like it's a direct homage to the man who created the New Gods when he moved from Marvel to DC.

The final action sequence at Sinnott Air Base is fantastic. Superman and Orion are titans taking on all of the forces of Darkseid. I did think it was hilarious when Turpin was like, maybe we are out of our league. This is a complete change from when he was having his press conference. You have to appreciate how gung ho Turpin is with all of this, but come on. You really think that the MPD is going to be able to take these clowns down?

In the background of all this, Darkseid is implementing his actual plan. He and Turpin head to a nearby nuclear power plant and initiate a meltdown. This is a great cliffhanger and it just shows how well thought out and planned these episodes are. It's not a huge surprise that Bruce Timm along with Rich Fogel is part of the writing team for these episodes. Timm is one of the architects of this animated universe and he proves why with this two part arc.

Grade: A

SCU Lt. Daniel 'Dan' Turpin: [as Darkseid is leaving] "Go on, you mangy buzzards! And don't come back!"
Darkseid: [turns around to face Superman] "Savor your moment of triumph, Superman. But remember victory has its price."
[fires an Omega Beam and kills Turpin]

Apokolips has instituted his master plan. He caused a meltdown at the nuclear power plant in order to turn Earth into another Apokolips. When the device that Orion gave Superman to call him is destroyed, Superman realizes that he's on his own. Superman successfully closes the hole the meltdown caused but it leaves him drained and at Darkseid's mercy. With Superman captured and paraded through the streets of Metropolis, will the citizenry rise up and save their defender?

RIP Turpin

We need to start at the end here. RIP SCU Lt Dan Turpin. I've been hard on Turpin in these reviews. And I stand by that. He's been kind of a caricature in a lot of these episodes, but it is still a big swing that the show kills Turpin in the final moments of this episode. It comes out of nowhere. You're not expecting it. It's legit shocking and I have to really give it up to the show for all of this. Superman and the citizens of Metropolis have banded together and beat Darkseid back. Orion has showed up to offer assistance and let Darkseid know that if he continues this attack on Earth than the truce between Apokolips and New Genesis would end. Darkseid is clearly not prepared for this, so he orders a retreat. Turpin heckles Darkseid on his way out and that turns out to be a fatal mistake. Darkseid is not ready or willing to allow Superman to take this as a win. He will leave a parting shot and that parting shot is vaporizing Turpin with his Omega Beams as he leaves the planet... for now.

At this point, Superman is at his breaking point and this pushes him over the edge. Superman is a character that we usually always see in complete control because he knows that if he loses control he can do serious damage. That's why he's the jovial, Big Blue Boy Scout. That mask falls when Turpin is killed and it's heart wrenching to see Superman freak out and start ripping apart the tank that he was once chained to. We then transition to Turpin's funeral and Superman's final words at his tombstone. It's a really heartbreaking end to the episode. 

I feel like sometimes "Superman: The Animated Series" doesn't do a great job of showcasing Superman. This episode definitely reverses that. Superman is the hero that we know he is. I loved the scene of Superman taking care of the flaming hole in the ocean. I love seeing Superman do ridiculous things and him turning himself into a human drill is one of those things. You want to cheer watching the Man of Steel do what he does best and we get that here.

This episode is all about the impact that Superman has had on the city that he protects. Superman of course submits to Darkseid in an attempt to save the citizens of Metropolis. Darkseid thinks that seeing Superman his prisoner will not only humiliate the hero, but will cause the citizens of Metropolis to bow to his whim. It has the exact opposite effect. Turpin and the citizens of Metropolis follow their heroes example and begin fighting back against the man who seeks to rule them. I never get sick of watching inspired people rise up and this is a great moment of that.

These are some of the best episodes in the shows run. They feel grand and cinematic. It feels like every part of the show raises the game. The music is fantastic and operatic. The voice actors are doing some of their best work. It makes me hope we get a return from Darkseid very soon.

Grade: A

Next up, we close out season 2 with the debut of the Girl of Steel, Supergirl!

What do you all think? Do you love these episodes? Am I praising them too much? Let me know in the comments.

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