Monday, October 31, 2022

"In the Name of the Moon" Re-Watch: "Usagi's Parental Love: The Curry Romance Triangle" & "The Beach, the Island & a Vacation: The Guardians' Break"

 Sailor Moon R

The second episode in today's post is the only episode of "Sailor Moon R" that DiC didn't dub back in the day. And once you watch it, you will understand why, I think. Let's get started.

"Usagi's Parental Love: The Curry Romance Triangle"

Sailor Moon: "hold it right there! The supermarket is the public resource for health. You've gone and angered the fresh highland vegetables and the melt in your mouth shabu-shabu beef. I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and for justice. I am Sailor Moon. And now, in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"

When Usagi's parents bail on curry making with Chibi-Usa, they enlist Usagi to do it in their stead. Chibi-Usa isn't in to it until Usagi suggests they get Mamoru to help. The Black Moon Clan attack their next Crystal Point. It just so happens to be the supermarket where Usagi, Mamo and Chibi-Usa are shopping for curry ingredients. It's up to the Sailor Guardians to stop Petz, Calaveras and their droid, Avocadara.

The birth of the eggplant emoji.

What is up with Usagi's parents? I just have to ask that right off the bat. So, Chibi-Usa's class is having a curry cooking class or something and they agree to do it and then they both have to back out? What are they doing? Not to be like a jerk, but I can get Usagi's dad not being able to make it. He has a job, I assume. But what about Usagi's mom? Doesn't this fall under the role of stay-at-home mom. Instead they try to pawn it off on Usagi who anyone with a brain knows that Chibi-Usa can't stand. 

Usagi is not about this at first, but once she realizes this is a way that she can see Mamoru, then she's on board. Luckily, Chibi-Usa loves Mamoru so she's willing to overlook this blatant ploy to also spend some time with him. You have to give it to Luna. She tries to get Usagi to be mature for once in her life, but she refuses. It was a nice try.

My favorite part of this episode is probably the girls getting together to help teach Usagi how to make the curry. Mako takes the lead because she's the cook. After a chopping demonstration the other girls think they can do it. Minako is up first. She's completely unhinged and almost chops a finger off. Usagi is up next and she is basically chopping nothing. Very Usagi. This lovely example of sisterhood and female friendship is juxtaposed against Calaveras and Petz sniping at each other and insulting one another. I'm not sure Calaveras should be tossing stones Petz's way when she has lemons slices stuck to her face.

I'm not going to harp on Mamoru continuing to be a giant asshole, but what was up with Chibi-Usa and Mamoru booking it from the grocery store and just leaving Usagi behind. I have to give it up to Rei. She and Usagi fight like cats and dogs, but Rei has Usagi's back when she needs it. It's nice to see Rei take up for Usagi to Chibi-Usa and she genuinely feels bad when Chibi-Usa basically browbeats her into taking Usagi's place for the curry cook off, which is pretty shitty. And yeah, I knows= she's a little kid, but she knows what she's doing.

The droid, Avocadara, is a hoot. "Sailor Moon R" could see the future and knew eventually folks would be taking photos of their avocado toast at brunch. The fact that Tuxedo Mask spouts off the same monologue as Sailor Moon, word for word, is a hoot. And it shows that these two crazy kids really are meant to be. I guess. The curry debacle ends with Usagi making a terrible looking curry but one that tastes good. So, all's well that ends well, I guess.

Grade: B+

"The Beach, the Island & a Vacation: The Guardians' Break"

The Sailor Guardians: [except for Sailor Moon] "The Sailor Guardians are here!"
Sailor Moon: "Hey! Wait a minute, girls! You forgot all about me!"

The Sailor Guardians are on summer break but still working on their homework. Once it's finished, they find out through Chibi-Usa that Rei has gone to a private island. Thinking she's there having fun, the girls head that way. It turns out she was working on her spiritual training, but she's open to having some fun. After a tantrum, Chibi-Usa runs away and ends up befriending a Loch Ness monster style sea creature and the Sailor Guardians end up having to protect them from an erupting volcano.

Babes in bathing suits. And Chibi-Usa.

This episode is not your average, run-of-the-mill "Sailor Moon R" episode. The whole thing is weird from the jump. First there is Rei going to this super secret private island. How does she get there? How did she find it? How can she afford this? Who is letting her go on her own? It's just super odd. And if she was going to go on this tropical island retreat to work on her spiritual powers, wouldn't she tell the team that she is on that was her plan? It just makes zero sense.

This whole episode is just bonkers. I can kind of understand why they chose not to dub this. Maybe it is best being a lost episode?

Chibi-Usa is kind of a grating, annoying character in "Sailor Moon R" and this episode really highlights that. I get that she's a little kid, but in this episode in particular she's a lot. They have established that Rei and Chibi-Usa have a connection. And I agree with Usagi, that a lot of that connection is probably built on them both enjoying being mean to Usagi. But Chibi-Usa turning on Rei suddenly because she tries to get her to eat cooked fish is weird. Couple that with the fact that she eats it later and is fine. It's just seems like a plot device to get Chibi-Usa away from the others.

Than, there is the sea creature that Chibi-Usa finds and befriends. This is not something that you expect to see in a "Sailor Moon R" episode. Honestly, it's like the writers based this episode off of a Mad Libs. How else do you explain the climax of the episode basically being the Sailor Guardians versus a volcano. So weird. 

The best thing you can do is just watch it. I don't even know what else to say.

Grade: C

Next up, Rubeus and the Spectre Sisters make their move against Chibi-Usa and Mamoru decides he's being too subtle telling Usagi to fuck off so he amps things up.

What do you all think? Have you seen the sea creature episode? Let me know in the comments.

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