Saturday, September 24, 2022

A Long Time Ago, During the Clone Wars: "Darkness on Umbara," "The General," "Plan of Dissent" & "Carnage of Krell"

 Star Wars The Clone Wars

For the first time on the blog, I'll be covering four episodes in one post. That feels like a lot, so let's no waste any time. Let's get right into things.

"Darkness on Umbara," Season Four, Episode 7

"The first step towards loyalty is trust."

Narrator: "War in the Expansion Region! As the Separatists tighten their grip over vital but isolated supply routes, the Republic launches a lightning strike into a remote ghost nebula to control the strategic system of Umbara. Republic forces smash through the Separatist blockade in an effort to claim the shadowy world..."

The Umbaran forces are not the pushovers that the Republic forces perhaps assumed they would be. Not only do the troops have to deal with the Umbaran guerilla forces backed by the Separatists but it seems like the fauna of the planet is attacking them, too. After a small battle is won, Anakin is approached by Jedi Master Pong Krell. Anakin has been called back to Coruscant by Chancellor Palpatine. Krell takes command of Anakin's squad. But will his seeming distaste for Clones and his reckless plans be the end of Anakin's squad?

So foggy.

It's no secret that I haven't been super into the episodes of the fourth season of "The Clone Wars" this season. So, I was definitely happy to see things kind of go back to basics with this episode. And not only that but it seems like this arc is going to shine the spotlight on the Clones, which is a place where I think the series really shines. Let's get Rex in the spotlight along with ARC trooper Fives and a Jedi that is maybe the worst Jedi we've met in the series so far? Let me know if I'm forgetting anyone in the comments.

This episode really serves me everything that I love about this series. We get a cool new planet with Umbara. I love how dark it is. How you can't really see anything that is happening. The fog. The blues and purples and the electric reds that are really the only light around. It's amazing and lend to the danger of the situation the Clones are facing.

This is one of the roughest battles that we've seen the Clones face in the series, so far. The Umbarans are utilizing their knowledge of the planet and using guerilla warfare tactics that the Clones are clearly not used to and I'm not sure if it is something that we've seen in the series so far. It's thrilling and brutal. Then, those tentacles shoot out of the ground and the Clones are dealing with a creature that looks a lot like a sarlacc. It's pretty cool when Hardcase tosses a grenade down it's gullet.

When Jedi Master Pong Krell shows up, you immediately get bad vibes. The show is not subtle at all about this dude. From the moment he opens his mouth, you hate him. He's shitting on Clones. He's not listening to Rex like Anakin does. Rex and Fives know that Krell's plan is not the way, but Rex follows it anyway because he's a good soldier. And they end up almost getting killed and he threatens Fives with his lightsaber when Krell stands up to him. The end of the episode sort of makes it feel like maybe Krell will warm up to the Clones, but we will see. 

Grade: B+

"The General," Season Four, Episode 8

"The path of ignorance is guided by fear."

Narrator: "Turning the tide! As Separatist control over vital but isolated supply routes expands, Republic forces invade a key planet - the darkened world of Umbara. In the midst of helping Obi-Wan Kenobi's battalion conquiering the Umbaran capital, Anakin Skywalker is called away to Coruscant. His battalion is temporarily placed under the command of Jedi General Pong Krell, a shrewd and temperamental leader. Krell's reckless strategy forces Captain Rex to retreat with his platoons in a disastrous defeat."

After barely escaping, the 501st is set another mission by Pong Krell. Obi-Wan needs them to take down an airbase and Krell chooses the most dangerous course of action for the clones. The Clones are not doing great and Rex disobeys Krell. He sends Fives and Hardcase to steal a couple of starfighters to take down the giant droids decimating the clones. But will the plan succeed?

I see red.

I think we have to start talking about Pong Krell. At this point, he's not a super evolved... I guess, villain. Or the closest we've got. Sure there are the Umbarans but they are pretty faceless. Right now, all we really know about Krell is that he seems to hate clones. He refuses to call them by anything, but their numeric designation. He seems to have zero issues sending them to their apparent deaths. And Fives points out that he has the most clone deaths under his command than any other general. It's not great. Rex is working hard to be a good captain and not undermine his general. He points out to the troops that lots of Anakin's plans are unconventional and not necessarily the safest, but even I have to say that Krell's seem a lot more likely to result in death. And I am very critical of Anakin's plans.

We get to see some really cool droids in this episode. That giant centipede droid is badass. I kind of feel bad thinking it looks so cool because it is tearing through these clones, but goddamn. Each of the little feet are blasters. The cockpit is the front part. The droids have to get rocket launchers to take them out. But then they show up with tank droids that are even more fortified. Rocket launchers have no effect and they are killing droids at an even more alarming rate.

This is all very intense, but the episode does leave room for a little humor when Fives and Hardcase infiltrate the Umbaran airbase on their own. When the clones are trying to learn how to fly it's very humorous. It's almost like a baby giraffe trying to walk for the first time. And I definitely hooted when they showed up and started taking out the tanks. We need some wins since these episodes have been largely devoid of them so far. 

I did really like that ending shot of the flames reflecting in Krell's eye. It wasn't subtle but was still pretty cool. And Rex really wants to punch that guy.

Grade: B+

"Plan of Dissent," Season Four, Episode 9

"The wise man leads, the strong man follows."

Narrator: "Invasion in peril! Republic forces struggle to take Umbara, a hostile planet completely enshrouded in darkness. Jedi General Pong Krell and Captain Rex lead a battalion against a constant attack by a brutal enemy. Krell's aggressive and reckless strategies backfire, killing many clones. Despite the Jedi general's dangerous tactics, Captain Rex's squad successfully captures a critical airbase. This further fuels the mistrust of Krell's leadership, dividing his men."

Capturing the airbase is a little victory, but the battle is far from over. Obi-Wan lets them know that the Umbaran's are getting air support from an airship int he planets orbit. It is lobbying deadly missiles at the planet's surface. Krell is unconcerned about this and orders the 501st to march on the capital despite the danger. Fives, Hardcase and Jesse break the Umbaran code and suggest using the broken code and the captured Umbaran starfighters to get into the airship and destroy taking out the air support. Krell vetoes, but will the three clones chance mutiny for victory and the lives of their comrades?

These little walkers are so cute.

As I said earlier, "The Clone Wars" really shines when it puts the focus on the clones of the title and these last two episodes in the Umbaran arc really show that. This episode does a great job of showing multiple sides of the clones conflict with Pong Krell. There are clones like Fives, Hardcase and Jesse who are loyal to the cause but are not blindly loyal. They see all sides and are willing to disobey orders if they feel like it's the right thing to do. But there are also clones like Dogma and Tup, who are blindly loyal. They see what Krell is doing, they know his record, but they still believe that he is doing the best he can. That his plans are the best plans for the situation and that they should do what he's asking. Then, there is Rex who is caught in the middle, but is definitely leaning more towards the side of Fives, Hardcase and Jesse. I think it's great the show does this. It totally paints one side as correct, but they don't have to show other points of view.

The other thing that I like is that they actually spend a little bit of time showing Fives, Hardcase and Jesse actually learning how to pilot these starfighters effectively. They don't spend a lot of time doing it, but I appreciate that they at least spend a little time. It's one of my pet peeves is when people are automatic experts so this may be just for me, but still. 

The actual assault on the airship is pretty dope. "The Clone Wars" knows how to do space battles and this one is no different. I really like the design of the airship, too. I feel like this episode is kind of catering to me almost because another thing I really enjoy is when starfighters fight inside ships. And there is a lot of that here. Hardcase makes a heroic sacrifice. It's thrilling.

Krell is not impressed with any of this and he orders Fives and Jesse courtmartialed and summarily executed.

Grade: A-

"Carnage of Krell," Season Four, Episode 10

"Our actions define our legacy."

Narrator: "While fighting to control the darkened world of Umbara, Anakin Skywalker's battalion is temporarily placed under the command of Jedi General Pong Krell. As Krell's disastrous strategies result in increasing casualties, his men begin to turn against him. Captain Rex struggles to balance loyalty between his commander and his fellow men. Under his watch, Fives and Jesse disobey Krell's orders, resulting in their court-martial."

Things with Jedi Pong Krell finally come to a head. He orders that Fives and Jesse be executed without court martial and the majority of the 501st disobey. He sends them to go after a squad of Umbarans who he claims have stolen clone armor. During the battle, Rex realizes that they are firing on Clones and the opposing squads leader tells them that they were sent after the 501st by Krell. After confronting him, Krell and the Clones clash leading to Krell's capture. He admits that he has foreseen the end of the war and the coming of a new power. He plans to deliver Umbara to the Separatists and join Count Dooku as his new apprentice. What will the 501st do?

General Grievous?

This is a fantastic episode. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and keeps your blood pumping for the entirety of it's twenty-six minute runtime. I know that I was a little harsh on Krell's characterization in "The General," but I take it all back after watching this epiode.

I love Krell's transformation to full on mustache twirling villain. The sequence where the two clone squadrons are going after each other is great. There are call backs to the previous episodes like with the sarlacc creature. The reveal that these are actually other clones they are firing on is amazing. I didn't see it coming. Rex's desperation is so real. You feel it. He's scared and mortified. It hits you right in the gut. It's just amazing. I wish I could come up with a better descriptor but here we are.

This leads seamlessly into the confrontation with Krell and he is scary as fuck. We haven't really seen much of Krell in combat except for that brief moment in "Darkness on Umbara" and hoo buddy. He is a bad ass. I hate saying that because he is for sure evil, but damn. He is a lean mean clone killing machine. It's mesmerizing watching him use his four arms wield his two double bladed lightsabers. It's like watching a flesh and blood General Grievous go to town. The action here is impeccable. It's beautiful and brutal. The clones use their knowledge of the environment to their advantage. The sarlacc-like creature is instrumental in the clones defeating Krell. I was honestly hoping that he would get eaten.

If he had gotten eaten, we wouldn't have gotten the reveal of Krell's defection. He has gone full dark side even if he won't admit it. He has seen the coming of the Empire and the rise of Palpatine and he wants in. He's going to go to Dooku and become the Count's new apprentice and get in on the ground floor. He sees past Separatists and Republics. This is good shit, but it did leave me with one question. If Krell can sense all this then why can't Yoda? Or Mace Windu? Is Krell stronger than them? That seems wrong? It's a small thing, but it nagged at me after the episode was over.

Rex is left with the tough decision. He knows he needs to kill Krell, but he struggles. You see him struggle with that. The honor and duty. Dogma takes it out of his hands and shoots Krell from behind. It's a bleak note to end on and it's perfect.

Grade: A-

Next up, slavers, bounty hunters and Lux Bonteri, oh my.

What did you all think? Is season four back on trak? What did you think of Pong Krell? Let me know in the comments.

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