Monday, August 15, 2022

"In the Name of the Moon" Re-Watch: "Disconnecting Love: The Raging Makai Tree" & "True Love Awakens: The Makai Tree's Secret"

 Sailor Moon R

We wrap up the Makai Tree with these two episodes and I can't really say that I'm sad it's finally coming to an end. I'm really not sad that we never have to hear the Moonlight Knight say "adieu" ever again. Let's get to it.

"Disconnecting Love: The Raging Makai Tree"

Seijuro: "Usagi!"
Mamoru: "Bunhead!"

Things aren't looking good for the Makai Tree. It's not accepting the energy that Ail and An are collecting for it. This causes Ail and An to miss school and for Usagi to become concerned. She repeatedly goes to their apartment to check on them both and while An is irritated, Ail is happy that she keeps stopping by. When Usagi is attacked by the Makai Tree, while visiting and leaves with a piece of it, Luna, Artemis and the girls are all convinced that Natsumi & Seijuro are actually Ail & An. Usagi isn't convinced so she goes back to their place accompanied by Mamoru and the girls are proved right when Usagi and Mamoru are attacked by the Makai Tree.

Be nice to your plants.

I' m sure there are "Sailor Moon" fans out there that really enjoy "The Makai Tree" arc. And that's totally fine. I definitely have some nostalgia for it from when I was young, but overall, it's just a lot of the same beats over and over and over again. We got lots of awkward semi-incestuous sexual tension between Ail and An in front of Mamoru and Usagi. We get our final Cardian, Yamandakka. I really like the design of Yamandakka. The three different faces and multi arms like a Cardian deity. I would have liked to have spent more time with it, but they do have the distinction of being the only Cadian taken out not by Sailor Moon and the Guardians but by the Makai Tree itself. 

They are putting on a Sailor Moon show and I have to say I'm with Umino and Naru. I had no idea that enough people knew who Sailor Moon was and that she was popular enough for a show like this to be a big draw. But after seeing the things that are in the show, I can't imagine it will last very long. Those giant mascot things with the bobbleheads and dead eyes are the things of nightmares. Honestly, what little kid wants to watch those things parade around on the regular? Only twisted little kids, that's for sure.

This whole arc, Usagi and An in her Natsumi persona have been at each other's throats because of Mamoru and Ail. But, when Natsumi is missing school, Usagi still is worried about her and comes to check on her, because deep down, Usagi is an amazing person. I enjoy seeing this side of Usagi more than the petty jealous side which we've been seeing maybe a little too much of in these past 12 episodes. 

Not a ton more happens in this episode, it's all mostly set up for the conclusion of the arc next episode. There's some foreshadowing with Ail realizing that he genuinely enjoys Usagi's company and the way she makes him feel. The Guardians aside from Usagi have the lightbulb moment that Seijuro and Natsumi are both actually Ail and An. I did laugh when Usagi kept acting like she understood what everyone was talking about when she clearly did not. 

A little fun "Sailor Moon" trivia. The Sailor Moon wiki says that this is the first episode of the series that we don't see Usagi transform, which may be true. It's also the last time we hear the other Guardians use their current transformation calls. 

Grade: B

"True Love Awakens: The Makai Tree's Secret"

 Ail: "What's this?! Usagi is also Sailor Moon?!"
An: "I thought their clumsy antics seemed oddly similar."
Sailor Moon: "You two must be stopped! Plants are vital to Mother Nature. They are friends to every living thing! As the saying goes, heaven does not create one plant above another plant or another plant below that plant!"
Luna & Artemis: "Huh?"
Sailor Moon: "I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and justice. I am Sailor Moon and in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"
An: "That catchphrase is so annoying!"

The Sailor Guardians make it past the Makai Tree to confront Ail and An. The aliens are more powerful than the Guardians think. Usagi transforms into Sailor Moon and attempts to protect Mamoru from Ail & An's attack and he does the same to her. The Makai Tree reveals it is sentient and reveals the origins of itself and Ail & An to the Guardians. Is love the answer to all of this?

This is it! The conclusion of "The Makai Tree" arc. The first half of the episode isn't that exciting. There is some one sided fighting since apparently Ail & An are way more powerful than we have seen them be in the past. Why didn't they just do this from the jump? They could have saved themselves a lot of heartache here. 

When the Makai Tree gains full sentience is when the episode really picks up. We learn the full story of how Ail and An's people came to be. It turns out the Makai Tree grew lonely on it's on and basically grew Ail & An's people in pods and for a long time, they all lived in harmony. But, much like humans, these aliens grew restless and turned on each other, doing what humanoid beings do, until only Ail and An are left. This all happened so long ago that Ail & An don't even remember it.

As these things usually do on "Sailor Moon R," everything comes down to love. After some mutual sacrificing, Ail & An finally open up their hearts and hostilities cease. This whole time, Ail & An thought the Makai Tree needed energy from living beings, but what it really needed was love. Sailor Moon is able to purify the Makai Tree with Moon Princess Hellation and everything is A-OK. Let's be real. This is nonsense. But it's the kind of nonsense that I'm, and other "Sailor Moon" fans, are here for. The Makai Tree, Ail & An leave in peace.

The last piece of the puzzle is the Moonlight Knight. He shows up and reveals what I think we all kind of knew from the very start. Even though Mamoru's memories were wiped his desire to protect Usagi and Sailor Moon was so strong that it created the Moonlight Knight. Or whatever. The Moonlight Knight recombines with Mamoru and he remembers everything. It seems like he and Usagi will finally pick up where they left off and everything will be great, right?

Grade: B

Next up, a girl that looks a lot like Usagi falls fro the sky and Mamoru breaks up with Usagi?!

So that's a wrap on The Makai Tree arc. What did you all think? Let me know in the comments.

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