Monday, January 31, 2022

A Long Time Ago, During the Clone Wars: "Heroes On Both Sides," "Pursuit of Peace," & "Senate Murders"

 Star Wars The Clone Wars

Have you been looking for more Senate intrigue in "The Clone Wars?" Heated debates about banking deregulation? Clandestine meetings with Senators on the other side? Trying to count votes? Well then these are the episodes for you! I know it sounds like this is snark, but it really isn't.

"Heroes On Both Sides," Season Three, Episode 10

"Fear is a great motivator."

Narrator: "Conflict with no end in sight! Across the galaxy, the quagmire of war continues! While clone troopers suffer casualties at alarming rates, the Galactic Senate convenes an emergency session to debate the true cost of the war..."

Due to the heavy losses being taken by the clones, members of the Senate propose de-regulating the banks in order to more easily fund more troopers. Padmé Amidala wants to try for peace with the Separatist Senate and Bail Organa makes a motion to table talks until the potential peace talks can happen. The leaders of the Trade Federation, Banking Clan and Techno Union are not pleased about this. Anakin doesn't believe peace is possible, but sends Ahsoka with Padmé to meet with her friend and Separatist Senator, Mina Bonteri for a lesson in what senators actually do....

Badass Bitches.

For most of the run of "The Clone Wars," the show has been pretty focused on the front line battles between the clones, their Jedi generals and the Separatist forces. That makes sense. People want to watch action and how much action can there be when the thrust of episodes are negotiating for peace, bank deregulation and the like. It turns out quite a lot of action can be mined from that. I feel like season three of "The Clone Wars" is really where the show starts to take off and cement itself as integral viewing and a necessary part of the Star Wars canon. In these episodes, Ahsoka is more grown up. She's filling out. She's starting to ask more questions. You can really see the Jedi Knight that she will soon become. She's forming her own opinions and branching out and away from her master. 

It's crazy how prior to this episode, I had never once given any thought to the governmental structure of the Confederacy of Independent Systems aka the Separatists. As soon as Padmé mentions her former colleagues that broke off to join this new government, you're kind of like duh. We haven't really been shown much of the other side, other than the clearly evil portion ie Dooku, Grievous, Ventress, but there are a whole bunch of people out there, fed up with the Republic who honestly believe they are doing the right thing. 

It's totally understandable that Ahsoka wouldn't understand why the political dealings of the Senate mattered, especially with a Master like Anakin who seems to have forgotten that prior to the Clone Wars, the main role of the Jedi was peacekeeping. I'm glad that she goes with Padmé and meets with Mina Bonteri and her son, Lux. It was cool to see the Separatist Senate do their thing with Dooku presiding in the role Palpatine takes in the Galactic Senate. I don't think I ever thought about Dooku being Supreme Chancellor of the Separatists so my mind reeled. Mina Bonteri is a great character and it is nice to see a character on the other side go toe to toe with Padmé on political ideology. It's unfortunate that she is only in this episode.

While Dooku backs peace talks in public, he of course instructs Grievous to attack Coruscant in private, an attack that causes any hope for peace to be derailed and the banks to be deregulated.

This really is a strong episode with very little action and a lot of strong debate and character work. It's some of the best stuff for Padmé in the series so far. If there's one, downside, it's that it is a little unbelievable that no one has tried to treat for peace up until now, but that is really a minor gripe.

Grade: B+

"Pursuit of Peace," Season Three, Episode 11

"Truth can strike down the specter of fear."

Narrator: "Peace shattered! Once-promising negotiations between the Republic and the Separatists are now in shambles following a droid suicide bombing on the capital city planet of Coruscant. As fear and anger prevail, the Senate overwhelmingly passes a bill to deregulate the banks, opening a gateway to additional troops, and an increase in fighting..."

Now that the banks are officially deregulated, the bantha poo is really hitting the fan. They are willing to give the money for more troopers but with no regulation the rates they will charge would end up bankrupting the Republic. Padmé, Bail Organa and Onaconda Farr spearhead an initiative to gather votes to oppose the measure, but it turns out this makes them targets. Can they stand up to these tactics and stop this?

Speeder chase!

I really think this is a great episode. It successfully builds on the episode that came before and continues to give us a different side to this conflict that we haven't considered. Things aren't great for Padmé. The attack on Coruscant has swung a lot of favor towards the bill for more troops and certain Senators are looking at Padmé's continued efforts for peace as treason. Dooku appearing holographically in the Senate chamber to declare Mina Bonteri dead at the hands of a Republic attack doesn't help things. It's a bummer that Bonteri had to die and that she dies off screen like this, but it makes sense. There was no way that Dooku would allow someone on his side be like Padmé. Padmé, Bail and Farr all know that it was the Separatists that silenced Mina, but they have no way to prove it.

More so than any other "Clone Wars" episodes up to this point, this episode really shows what makes Padmé Amidala such an amazing character. She isn't afraid to do the right thing, even when it puts her in danger. She inspires other. You can't tell me that Farr wouldn't still be verbally opposing this bill publicly after his beat down if it wasn't for Padmé. She's a total badass. When she's confronted by the bounty hunters she doesn't back down and has a pretty thrilling speeder chase. See "The Book of Boba Fett" this is how you do a speeder chase, unlike that wussy chase that we got a couple of weeks back. She's not without her insecurities though as evidenced by her stepping up and giving Bail's speech despite the attitudes of her fellow Senators towards her.

In our modern political world, it feels like our elected representatives don't have a clear idea of what their constituents want or what they are going through. It feels like that is a common complaint in the Galactic Republic as well. It's mentioned a few times and it is Padmé's conversation with her handmaiden, Teckla Minnau, about how the war is hurting her and her family that really turns the tide. 

We also get our first clear look at Palpatine's villainy in this episode when, at the end, he is musing to Mas Amedda about the power of one passionate voice. He's not ready to take an active role in silencing that voice though. Yet.

Grade: A-

"Senate Murders," Season Two, Episode 15

"Searching for the truth is easy. Accepting the truth is hard."

Narrator: "War on many fronts! While battles are fought by Clones in the field, a different war is waged in the Galactic Seante. As heavy losses add up, a group of senators, led by Halle Burtoni of Kamino, propose an escalation of troop production. Senator Padmé Amidala, recognizing that more troops will only prolong the fighting, works tirelessly with her allies to introduce a bill to cut down military spending and stop the creation of more Clone Troopers..."

Padmé's party is still facing heavy opposition but they won't be swayed. After a rousing speech, they celebrate only to be interrupted by Senator Burtoni. After Burtoni leaves, Farr collapses and dies. Investigators deem it murder by poison. But who would want to poison Farr? Are Padmé of Bail next? And what does this mean for the passage of this bill?

They're trying.

RIP Uncle Ono. One of the seemingly most well-respected senators in the Republic is murdered. So, that's how things are going. Not great for everyone involved. One of the benefits of watching the series chronologically is that it adds depth to episodes that maybe didn't have it during the original run. Think about this episode. On the surface, it is fine. It's a serviceable murder mystery. The culprit is pretty obvious from the get go. Bursoni and Mee Deechi are way to obvious. You know it's not Padmé, Mon Mothma or Bail Organa, so of course, it's Lolo. If you've seen episodes like this on other shows, then as soon as Lolo is introduced, you know what's up. But the context of hat is happening in the Senate around this time adds to this episode and elevates it a little higher.

There really isn't a ton to say about this episode. The majority of the episode is taken up by Padmé Sherlock Holmesing around Coruscant because she doesn't trust the investigator, Tan Divo, that has been assigned to solve the case. And, I can't really blame her. He does seem like kind of a buffoon, but it turns out he isn't terrible at his job.

Lolo's reasoning for offing Farr is because he brought war to Rodia and that they needed a new leader due to Farr showing "weakness." Which, fine, I guess? I can understand being upset that war has come to your otherwise peaceful planet, but blaming Farr feels a little far fetched, especially coming from someone who is active in the Senate and has seen firsthand everything Farr has done for peace. We do get a moment of Padmé punching Lolo, which I did enjoy. 

The episode ends with the bill being passed and more troops being commissioned much to Padmé's chagrin and Palpatine's delight.

Grade: B

Next up, Asajj Ventress returns but things aren't looking great for her. Plus, we meet the nightsisters and the brother of Darth Maul, Savage Oppress.

What do you all think of these episodes? Do you find Senate intrigue just as exciting as space battles? Let me know in the comments.

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