Sunday, February 7, 2021

"I Am the Night" Re-Watch: "Protect the Children's Dreams: Friendship Through Anime" & "Romance Under the Moon: Usagi's First Kiss"

 Sailor Moon

We have almost reached the halfway point of the first season of "Sailor Moon." We still only have three Sailor Guardians out of five, but the story is starting to shape. This week, we get a bit more movement on that and what Tuxedo Mask is really up to. Let's get into it.

"Protect the Children's Dreams: Friendship Through Anime"

Sailor Mars: "Anime nurtures kids minds and fosters their dreams."
Sailor Mercury: "How dare you take advantage of youthful passion!"
Sailor Moon: "Your evil actions have even made anime lovers like us mad. In the name of the moon, we'll punish you!"

There is a new anime being made about Sailor V and two of it's main animators, childhood friends Hiromi and Kazuko, are stressing out about it. Nephrite targets Hiromi, who feels like Kazuko is passing her by. Ami sees Nephrite at the animation studio when she goes to return a sketchbook that Hiromi dropped and fears somethings up. Can the Sailor Guardians help Hiromi before she ruins her friendship and the new Sailor V anime?

Pink overalls!

At its heart, "Sailor Moon" is an anime about the power of female friendships and this episode really illustrates that so well. Hiromi and Kazuko are side characters. They never appear in the manga and aren't in the anime again after this, but they are really well developed characters. From the little bit of screen time they have, you get a fully fleshed out sense of who they are and what they are about. Their relationship feels lived in. I really enjoy it. Skipping to the end of the episode, when they confess to each other that they've both been using the anime pencils they swore they wouldn't use without asking the other, neither is mad. It teaches kids that even the people you feel have it the most together or are doing so much "better" than you, have the same fears and jealousies. This revelation doesn't tear down their bond or ruin or damage their relationship, it strengthens it and deepens their bond. It was a great lesson then and resonates even more in this age of social media. Also, Hiromi gives off big queer energy (another "Sailor Moon" hallmark) and I'm here for it.

I loved seeing Ami being proactive. The image of her standing on top of Nephrite's sports car made me cheer. He's such a douche bag that you know that killed him and he probably has a tiny dick. There's a lot of comedy in this episode, most of it centered around Rei and Usagi. Rei is on her high horse initially about anime but gets knocked down pretty quick when she reveals herself to be just as big of a fangirl as Usagi. I loved watching them geeking out and trying to get autographs. Hiromi does harshly call them out, which is funny and mean at the same time. 

The one downside to this episode is the youma. Castor and Pollux are supposed to be Nephrite's most dangerous monsters but as soon as they have one disagreement their perfect relationship is shattered. Like, I get it, but it's still weak. Plus side, no Tuxedo Mask.

Grade: A-

"Romance Under the Moon: Usagi's First Kiss"

Sailor Moon: "I'm telling you right now, you're going to pay, you evil monster, for possessing the soul of the pure hearted Princess Diamond!"

Princess Diamond is in town with her "Legendary Secret Treasure." Both Luna and the Dark Kingdom believe that she could be the long lost princess and have the Legendary Silver Crystal. Nephrite sneaks into the reception to steal it from the princess, continuing using and manipulating Naru for his own nefarious ends. Usagi sneaks in and so does Tuxedo Mask, who is also after the Silver Crystal. Is the masked man friend or foe?

Look how fucking purple you look, girl.

This is another episode that pushes forward the overarching plot of the season and gives us a little bit more on Tuxedo Mask. Mamoru has a dream of himself as Tuxedo Mask and a silhouetted woman telling him to retrieve the Legendary Silver Crystal. Did this guy really not realize that silhouette looks just like Sailor Moon? I guess no one connects Usagi to Sailor Moon so I shouldn't be surprised but still. 

Luna is kind of being bitchier than usual in this episode. Yes, Usagi only wants to use the transformation pen to get in so she can hob nob with royalty, but it is a good idea for her to use it to get inside. So, isn't this like a win/win for everyone not just a "Usagi uses the pen again for personal gain" storyline? There is some irony in Usagi transforming into a princess if you're familiar where this whole season is heading. I did love Usagi just barging in and ignoring the guy checking the list. That's right, girl, just act like you belong.

This episode continues the gaslighting and manipulation of Naru by Nephrite. Ooh. I am so angry about this, but I'm going to hold it in because the next post is going to have a lot of me going off, so y'all just need to be prepared now. All I'll say is, I'm ready for Zoisite and the gays to take over, especially after getting my first dose of Kunzite in this episode.

The rest of this episode is fine. There is no youma because the main antagonist is Nephrite and his possession jumping from Naru to Princess Diamond. I chuckled that Princess Diamond looked like a female version of Umino until she took her glasses off. Then, it was full "She's All That" syndrome. Is Umino a certified hottie without glasses? Tuxedo Mask gets the shady edit when confronted by Mercury regarding what side he's on and this is after the show expects us to believe that an umbrella would hold the weight of Tuxedo Mask and Usagi. Wouldn't Luna have known if Princess Diamond was who they were looking for before she revealed she's a talking cat?

All in all this episode is OK. Not the best, not the worst. And like the title says Usagi gets her first kiss from Tuxedo Mask when she's tipsy from drinking the punch, so she probably doesn't remember it. Creepy, dude.

Grade: B

Next up, the Naru/Neprhite saga concludes.

What did you all think? Does anyone else love that first episode as much as I do? Let me know in the comments.

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