Friday, December 18, 2020

"In the Name of the Moon" Rewatch: "Usagi's Panic: Rei's First Date" & "A Girl's Dream: Usagi Becomes a Bride"

 Sailor Moon

One thing I'm surprised I haven't mentioned since we've been going on this journey back through "Sailor Moon" is the backgrounds. I really love them. They are painted and just really gorgeous. They are lighted really well. It's awesome. 

"Usagi's Panic: Rei's First Date"

Mamoru: [to Luna] "Are you alright? It doesn't look like you're injured."
Usagi: [furious] "HEY! What are you doing to Luna?"
Mamoru: "You need to take better care of your cat. She almost got hit by a truck, Bunhead!"
Usagi: [yanking Luna violently from Mamoru and swinging her for emphasis] "She is none of your business! Luna isn't just some ordinary cat, you know! She's really special."
Rei: "Stop it, Usagi."
Ami: "Yeah, we should be thanking him for saving Luna."
[Luna nods aggressively]
Usagi: "Why are you taking his side?"

Ami takes Rei and Usagi to a special park that she knows about. The caretaker, Kumitachi Kokoritsu, tells the girls that the park is being bulldozed to make way for a business complex. Rei decides that she needs to find a date to take to the park before it's destroyed. She lands on Usagi's arch nemesis, Mamoru Chiba. While Usagi tries to stop their date, Nephrite targets Kumitachi. Can the Scouts save him before he is completely drained of energy? Will Mamoru survive his date with Rei?

Ugh. How can you hate a guy cat rescuing?

They are really milking this rivalry between Usagi and Rei. Now Rei is going after Usagi's man? I mean, sure they aren't dating, Usagi has no idea that Mamoru is Tuxedo Mask and they basically hate each other, but still... 

I actually really like this episode and always have. I think part of it is seeing the role reversal between Usagi and Rei. Rei is usually the consummate cool girl. Chill. Lording that over the bumbling, boy crazy Usagi, but Rei is just as boy crazy and it turns her into Usagi 2. It's hilarious. Rei's "meet cute" with Mamoru is a disaster. She takes herself out. He almost steps on her head. It feels like he agrees to the date with Rei, out of pity? Who knows. They go for coffee and then go to the park. Mamoru just looks dazed and confused the entire time.

This episode also kind of makes you like Mamoru. I give him and his alter ego, Tuxedo Mask, a lot of crap. A lot of it deserved, but it's difficult not to root for the guy here, especially when he saves Luna. Plus, it's nice to see Usagi really give him the business back, even if she is in the wrong.

Usagi is a delight in this episode. I love her hypocrisy. Acting disgusted that Mamoru would date Rei (it is kind of creepy) but she has no problem going after Motoki, Mamoru's friend and classmate. Everyone sees it except Usagi. There's a ton of great comedy in this episode. Usagi using Umino to get close to Rei and Mamoru, and then like freaking out when she realizes she's there with him. Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury stealing Sailor Moon's catchphrase post-transformation. Wonderful. The youma, Petasos, is cool with her nature focused attacks.

I still hate Nephrite and think his using the stars to choose a victim to drain the energy of is really dumb, but I won't harp on it. It's a very minor grip in an episode I really love.

Grade: A-

"A Girl's Dream: Usagi Becomes a Bride"

Naru: "Miss Akiyama used to be really passionate about sewing, too. I just don't know what could have happened to her."
[Umino pops up from the side of the table, scaring the girls]
Umino: "Well, I can answer that."

It seems like every female in Tokyo is in a tizzy trying to design and sew a wedding dress that will win them a dream, all expenses paid wedding reception including Rei and Usagi. Rei even tries to con Mrs. Tsukino into teaching her how to sew. Nephrite decides to use the contest to his advantage and uses Usagi and Naru's home ec teacher, the engaged, Miss Akiyama, as his pawn. Can Ami get Rei and Usagi focused enough to defeat Nephrite and save Miss Akiyama?


This episode, on the other hand, I'm not a huge fan of. This odd take on women, in an anime that is geared towards women and girls (and queers) is not great. It is sending this message that women are only worth something if they can sew or be a beautiful bride. Like, take Rei buttering up Mrs. Tsukino as an example. Once Rei realizes she is "hopeless at sewing," Mrs. Tsukino has no value. Or Naru saying that Miss Akiyama used to be really passionate about sewing. Not teaching. Hell, not even about home ec, but just about sewing. It's not a good look. I'm sure I am being too hard on this, especially since this was quite a few years ago. Looking at through a modern lens and how feminism and gender roles have changed so much since then is maybe not the best thing, but I can't help it. I'm sure there are still a ton of young people coming to "Sailor Moon" today and this is not a great lesson for them.

Ugh. I don't want to spend too much time on this episode. It's not a complete waste. Usagi gets to use her transformation pen to enter the contest once the girls find out it's been co-opted by Nephrite the Astrologer and his youma, Widow. Usagi continuously using the pen for her own personal gain is a hoot and very believable. You can tell Luna hates even suggesting she do it here. Also, Usagi calling Luna a pervert when she comes out from under wedding dress made me legit laugh out loud and it always does. 

Grade: C-

Next up, Usagi enters the world of modeling and Shingo gets a creepy doll.

What do you all think of these episodes? Do you wish Usagi and Rei would just get along already? Am I to harsh on the bride episode? Let me know in the comments.

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