Star Trek: Discovery, Episode 1: "The Vulcan Hello"
As nerds, geeks, dorks, whatever term you choose, I feel like when it comes to certain fandoms we all have our blind spots. I'll admit that I have two big ones. The first being "Doctor Who." I promise Doctor loving friends who may read this, I will get through Christopher Eccleston's season sometime before I die. Maybe. Actually, scratch that. No promises.
The other was "Star Trek." When I was younger, I definitely gravitated towards the other sci-fi franchise with "Star" in the name. There was just something about a farm boy with a destiny, James Earl Jones, a scoundrel and a princess that really appealed to me. I didn't have anything against "Star Trek" but I just never got into it and when I have tried to step into it, the amount of material just feels really overwhelming.
I'm not totally ignorant to the world of the Trek. It has become so immersed in our popular culture that even people who haven't followed it are familiar. I know about Vulcans and Tribbles and the Federation. I can name most of the cast of TNG and the OG. I know about Spock. I've seen all of the rebooted movies and enjoyed them for the most part. The less said about "Into Darkness" the better. I've even seen a few of the original movies and the ones featuring the TNG cast. Although, "Star Trek: Insurrection" is the first movie I remember walking out during the middle of, so maybe the less said about those the better.
When I heard that CBS was bringing the Star Trek franchise back to television with involvement from Bryan Fuller (Hannibal, Pushing Daisies, American Gods) one of my favorite writer/producers, I thought that this was the perfect time to jump in. Fuller ended up leaving the project after clashing with CBS, but his broad story outline remained. After hearing more about the diverse cast, I decided that I was still going to give it a go and now the time has come. I thought it would be fun to write about the show from the perspective of someone new to the series, so here we go. The first episode of "Star Trek: Discovery."