Wednesday, November 8, 2017

X-Position: Halfway There

The Gifted: Episode 2, "rX"
The Gifted: Episode 3, "eXodus"
The Gifted: Episode 4, "eXit strategy"
The Gifted: Episode 5, "boXed in"

Ugh. I know guys. I'm the worst. I fall behind on episodes and then these fall behind. It's like a domino effect. So, instead of going over each episode individually, let's take a look at how the season is shaping up so far now that we are at the midway point.

I have to say that for the most part "The Gifted" is an entertaining show that is carving out it's own niche within the live-action X-verse. With each episode, the actors find more nuances within the characters and shade them a little bit more.

One of my biggest gripes with the pilot of the show was that it seemed to sideline Amy Acker. If you are a fan of genre television, then you are most likely a fan of Acker's and know that she is a talented actress who deserves more than to freak out and shriek for an hour, which is basically what the pilot had her doing. She definitely deserved better than that and the show has given it to her, starting in the second episode.

It was nice to see Caitlin take charge after Reed's abduction and use her medical training to help Blink. She also had great chemistry with Eclipse so I'm hopeful that they follow up on that. There are some odd choices made on Caitlin's part. Like why, knowing how dangerous it is, would you risk going to visit your brother?

It's nice to see the show also leaning into the soap opera elements that are a huge part of the X-Men mythos. There is Lorna's pregnancy coupled with her relationship with Eclipse. His past with some sort of Mexican drug cartel and his past relationship with the woman who runs it now. Dreamer implanting fake memories of a relationship with Thunderbird in order to get Blink to be able to use her powers and save him. This type of superhero melodrama is the X-Men stock in trade.

My main issue with the series is that it does feel a little aimless at times, especially since there are only ten episodes in this first season. I don't feel like there is a compelling villain, which is odd because the X-Men have quite a few great antagonists. There is Sentinel Services, but they feel a little disjointed. I did appreciate how "boXed in" tried to shed a little more light on Agent Turner and having Dreamer mess with his memories help make him less of a cardboard villain and something of a sympathetic character. I was hoping that Garret Dillahunt's Roderick Campbell would be making more of an impact here at the midway point, but so far he is more of a shadowy background character.

I am interested in how Sentinel Services is corrupting mutants and bringing them over to their side. It would be a bit more impactful if we knew a little more about Fade. Right now, their closeness is being conveyed by Thunderbird shouting about his friend over and over again, which is not the best way to get an audience to feel for a character they've just met.

That being said , I'm definitely interested in what the back half of season one has to offer and I'm hoping that Fox picks it up for a second season. I'd love to have the mythology of this version of the X-Verse fleshed out and see more of what happened on July 15th.

What do you guys think? I'd love to hear. Hit me up in the comments.

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