Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Real Housewives of New York City Recap: "You Die With Clothes On"

The Real Housewives of New York City, Episode 2: "New House, Old Grudges"

"Forgive.  Sounds good.  Forget.  I don't think I could."  - The Dixie Chicks.

This is an adage that the ladies of NYC firmly live by.  There have been so many apologies thrown around over the years.  Are any of them genuine?  If you are accepting the apology, but still holding a grudge, does it even matter if it's genuine or not?  Should Luann be wary of Ramona's apology?  For years, Ramona took every opportunity to rub in Luann's face that her marriage to Mario was a sham perfect and Luann's was a joke and was in an open marriage, maybe the biggest insult that you could level against the Countess.  Now here stands Ramona in the house Luann is selling that she shared with the Count, people have just finished picking through it and here stands Ramona desperately trying to squeeze a tear out of those humongous bug eyes that are so Botoxed I'm not sure how she even blinks.  It's an odd moment, but very Ramona.  When she sets her mind to something, she does it and Luann is right to be wary since I'm sure that within a couple of episodes she will have gotten on Luann's bad side.

It wouldn't be RHONY without a trip to the Hamptons.  The summer may be winding down but that isn't stopping Luann from having all the women to her housewarming party/estate sale.  Carole and Heather share a town car and all talk seems to be focused on Ramona and Sonja.  Heather is a big fan of the newly single Ramona.  There is a new light behind those giant eyes and Ramona doesn't seem to be dead inside anymore.  I've never seen so many people happy about someone's divorce.

No one is happy about Sonja and her fake businesses.  Dorinda is apprehensive about meeting Sonja for the first time, since they are both staying at Ramona's.  I'm starting to warm to Dorinda especially in regard to her attitude towards the Lady Morgan.  I loved how she referred to Sonja as the "urban myth of the Upper East Side."  I can picture Sonja roaming around the UES, in a torn ball gown, one elbow length glove on, holding her tooth, collecting interns to roam around her drafty, broken down penthouse while she latches onto twenty somethings who catch a glimpse of her in the shadows.

Dorinda isn't disappointed when Sonja breezes in making the same "Long Island Distressway" joke maybe a thousand times.  Multiple times with her driver and then in the kitchen with Sonja and Dorinda.  Dear God, someone laugh at it!!  There's more friction between Ramonja.  Ramona has given Dorinda Sonja's normal room and Sonja is staying in "Mario's dog house room."  Sonja keeps throwing around the "D" word even though Sonja and Mario are just separated and Ramona is not pleased.  Ramona seems to be doing the opposite of what Sonja says and is trying to make Sonja jealous by playing up her friendship with Dorinda.  Because Dorinda has a home in the Berkshires now Ramona is ready to give it another shot.  Fair warning, Dorinda.  Have air conditioning and don't get Ramona's hair wet.

The friction continues when they meet up with Ramona's sister for lunch.  This is apparently the first restaurant Sonja has ever been to because she tries to kiss the waitresses hand and I don't think that the waitress was feeling it.  Sonja continues to get on Ramona's last nerve by suggesting that she wears granny panties and that your ethnicity changes through marriage.  No, Sonja, Ramona did not become Italian once she married Mario.  I shudder to think what Sonja thinks interracial marriage is.  Three things we learn about Ramona during this lunch.  1.  She is not divorced.  2.  She is not Italian. 3.  She is not excited about seeing Bethenny at Luann's.

Luann's party is in full swing and all the women are there.  Everyone is mingling, except for Carole  who is more concerned with spending time with Luann's hot 29 year old chef, Adam.  Carole can't cook, but she knows what she wants and I don't think Adam minds.  Sonja is hitting on Lu's gardener and she is drinking beer that she smuggled into Luann's in her purse.  Why is Sonja smuggling in beer?  Does Luann not have beer?  Does Sonja think this is a frat party?  Does Sonja know where she is?  Who can say?

Bethenny shows up and you can tell that she is nervous and on edge.  Bethenny is usually pretty put together, but being back with this group of women, especially after her last experience with them has rattled her.  She's all over the place.  Moving from woman to woman, getting a drink with Luann, sort of not really meeting Carole, realizing that she and Dorinda were at the same party where Bethenny dirty danced with Jamie Foxx.

Once Bethenny sits down with the other ladies, things are a bit calmer, but everyone seems to come at her.  I get it.  Bethenny is kind of famous.  She has a history with some of the other ladies and the show.  They were all on her talk show.  It's a lot though.  Heather is hammering Bethenny about buying Luann a Rolex or a new car because Luann named the Skinnygirl margarita.  Did she though? I've never really understood that.  When Bethenny introduced Luann to the margarita waaaayyy back in season 1, I only remember Bethenny calling it that, but yeah, definitely buy the Countess a car.  Why not?

Enter Ramona with her new, younger token gay whose name I will not learn.  Jill's gay husband, Brad, really soured me on any homosexual men on this show.  Ramona is immediately pretty stand offish and seemed bound and determined to show Bethenny that she runs the show now.  She isn't amused by Bethenny's sex talk or her interest in Ramona's new singleness or what the term "playing the field" really means.

Once Bethenny invites Sonja to her home for brunch, Ramona loses it.  Apparently it's gauche to invite another person's houseguest to your house.  Ramona sent an e-mail that no one got inviting them to brunch.  Once Ramona starts consulting Luann about appropriate brunch invitation behavior, Bethenny is out.  Now that Ramona has shown dominance by driving Bethenny from the house, Ramona starts talking about the pretend email inviting all the ladies to brunch that no one received, because Ramona never sent it out.  Ramona decides to head outside to apologize to Bethenny for the fight that she instigated.

Bethenny is trying to explain to Ramona that they don't need to be friends.  She's not interested in Ramona's apology for the fake fight.  Ramona is treating Bethenny like she is a woman on the verge.  Bethenny is very calm.  I'm not sure if Ramona thinks that if she keeps telling an already calm Bethenny to simmer down that she will hypnotize people through the television?  Oh God.  Is that why her eyes are like that?  Am I being hypnotized right now?  What is happening?  I'm not looking directly at Ramona anymore.

Anways.  Welcome back, Bethenny.

This felt like old times.  Bethenny's back on the Ramona-coaster.  What did you guys think?  Would you buy Luann's railings?  Is Kristen around?  Does anyone miss her?  Will she have any sort of storyline?  Let me know in the comments.

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