Monday, December 9, 2013

Trailer Time: The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Summer of Marvel continues with the first trailer for the follow-up to Spidey's rebooted adventures.

Next summer is shaping up to be the summer of Marvel and I coudln't be happier.  You've got Captain America, the X-Men, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the most famous of them all, Spider-Man.  Lots of fanboys and girls, myself included, were skeptical.  Is it too soon to reboot?  Honestly, it probably is, but the new movie was pretty amazing.  Andrew Garfield was a great Spidey and the chemistry between him and Emma Stone's, Gwen Stacy, was off the charts.  The second film looks to be bigger, better, and more badass than the first one.  It adds three new villains to the mix:  Jamie Foxx's Electo, Paul Giamatti's The Rhino and The Green Goblin, which could be Dane Dehaan's Harry or Chris Cooper's Norman.  The trailer also gives us a glimpse of Vulture wings and Doc Ock arms.  Could we be setting things up for the Sinister Six in the next film?

Hit the jump to check out the first official trailer for the Spidey sequel.

What's  your level of excitement after watching the trailer?  Has it gone up or down?  Let me know.

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