Sunday, December 15, 2013

Casting News: She's a Wonder Woman

Fast & Furious Actress, Gal Gadot, cast as Diana Prince in Batman vs. Superman

More casting news is coming out of the sequel to this year's hit, Man of Steel.  After the divisive casting of Ben Affleck as Batman, comes another casting announcement that will probably be just as divisive.  Gal Gado has been cast as Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman in the sequel that people are just calling Batman vs. Superman, even thought that is probably not the actual title of the film.

Gadot is an Israeli fashion model who transitioned to acting.  She doesn't have that much experience.  She played Gisele in the last three Fast & Furious films.  To be fair, she didn't have to do much acting. So, who knows how she'll do playing, arguably, the most iconic female superhero of all time.  It's a daunting task and I don't envy her.  It seems like Warner Bros./DC are using the Superman films as a sort of springboard for their own cohesive universe, like Marvel, so, it would seem that a Wonder Woman solo film, could finally be in the works.

I will say that Gadot certainly looks the part and she proved that she could kick ass in the F&F films, but I'm nervous about the whole acting thing.  I'm an avowed Batfleck defender.  My first post on this blog was a defense of the Oscar winner playing Batman.  I can't really get behind Gadot as Wonder Woman right now.  I'm not going to bash her or say that this is the worst or that it "raped my childhood."  I'm going to take a wait and see approach and just be happy that the Amazing Amazon is finally going to make her way to the big screen.  I mean, if she sucks, the role can always be recast.

So, what do you guys think?  Excited?  Neverous?  Hate it?  Ambivalent?  Let me know in the comments.

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