The Real Housewives of New York City, Episode 3: "Battle of the Brunches"
Season Seven of "The Real Housewives of New York City" reminds me a lot of Renewed Ramona from season 3. It's going out of it's way to remind viewers why they began and presumably enjoyed spending time with these women in the first place. Step one in this plan was to bring back fan favorite, Bethenny and then do everything they could to put the ladies in situations that brought to mind the glory days of the show's first three seasons. How else to explain Countess Luann bringing "Jellybean" Kelly Bensimon aka Bethenny's nemesis to "pick up joint" Boutique? Was anyone buying Luann's "I just randomly ran into her and invited her along" excuse? Bethenny certainly wasn't and commented that it was a "slithery" move. Another season 3 callback! After Luann kisses the proverbial ring and apologizes, Bethenny seems cool and joins the other ladies, Kelly included. Will this be the last we see of NYC's most infamous socialite? Time will tell.