Monday, January 22, 2024

"SuperDad" Superman & Lois Recaps: "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" & "The Dress"

 Superman & Lois

I have to say I continue to be impressed with how "Superman & Lois" has handled Lois's breast cancer storyline. I have been surprised at how nuanced it has been. Let's get to it.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

"Hated and Feared" Re-Watch: "Old Soldiers" & "Hidden Agendas"


If this is the first time that you're watching these episodes for the first time, you are probably thinking "what the fuck is up with this animation" and that is totally fair. We will address that more with the second recap, but I needed to acknowledge it up front. Let's get to it.

"Shullkie" She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Recaps: "The Retreat," "Ribbit and Rip It" & "Whose Show is This?"

 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

I feel like a lot has gone down Marvel-wise since my last "Revisiting the MCU" post. There have been many, many articles and think pieces declaring the MCU dead and superhero movies as a whole over, particularly after "The Marvels" underperformed. I agree that Marvel has some tweaking to do and I hope the strikes allowed them some breathing room to right the ship, particularly after parting ways with Jonathan Majors. I think we might be declaring time of dead a little prematurely here. I think it's actually great there's only one MCU movie coming out in 2024 and even better that it's "Deadpool 3." People love Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. I can't imagine it not being one of the biggest hits of the summer. And I think shows like "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" shows that there is still gas left in the tank when Marvel approaches a property from the absolute correct angle. Let's get in to these last three episodes.

Friday, January 12, 2024

"One Girl In All the World" Re-Watch: "Lie to Me" & "The Dark Age"

 Buffy the Vampire Slayer

We get more backstory into the two most important men in Buffy's life in these two episodes. Let's get right to it.

Monday, January 8, 2024

A Long, Long, Long Time Ago During the High Republic: Phase 1 - "Light of the Jedi," "Into the Dark," "A Test of Courage," "The High Republic" #1-7 & "The High Republic Adventures" #1-5

 Star Wars The High Republic

In January of 2021, Disney and Lucasarts started a brand new initiative. It is the introduction of a new era for "Star Wars" fans to dive deep into. It spans 350 to 50 years before the beginning of the Skywalker saga. As "Star Wars" fans, we hear a lot about when the Jedi were these shining bastions of the galaxy and the Galactic Republic was something to be admired, but that's really all we do. Hear about it. "The High Republic" era seeks to remedy that. It transports us to the time when the Jedi were renowned peacekeepers and the Republic was doing great works throughout the galaxy. This era is broken into three phases. Phase 1 is referred to as Light of the Jedi. We are going to start with part 1 of Phase 1. The best way to consume this is the order that I'll be discussing them in this post though there will be some overlap. Let's get started.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

"I Am the Moon" Re-Watch: "Protect the Pure Heart: The Three-Way Battle" & "Let Moon Help With Your Love Problems"

 Sailor Moon S

We are back getting to know our new Sailor Guardians and the Death Busters. In case you forgot, the Death Busters are sending daimons after people for their pure heart crystals, hoping that one will be a talisman that will lead them to the Holy Grail. Sailors Uranus and Neptune want to keep the talismans away from the Death Busters, but they view the people who will lose their lives as acceptable losses. Let's get to it.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

"Totally Schway" Re-Watch: "Dead Man's Hand" & "The Winning Edge"

 Batman Beyond

"Batman Beyond" gives us new takes on classic DC villains with these episodes. And, honestly, the one you would think would be the least successful is actually the most successful. Check it out.