Wednesday, August 30, 2023

"Totally Schway" Re-Watch: "Rebirth" Parts 1 & 2 & "Black Out"

 Batman Beyond

As we continue through the DCAU or the "Timmverse," we are going bat to the future. We are back in the world of Batman, but this time we are going to the year 2039 where Bruce Wayne has hung up the cape and cowl. The mantle of the bat is taken up by young Terry McGinnis with Bruce in a support role. He's kind of the Alfred to Terry's Batman. "Batman Beyond" is a modern classic. It has lived on in comics form and I'm always hopeful that we will see a live-action version.  I'm excited to revisit this classic series with you all.

I have to mention the recent passing of Arleen Sorkin, the original voice and model for Harley Quinn. Her passing make me extremely sad especially since it comes relatively soon after the passing of Kevin Conroy. They will live on forever and they will definitely be missed. As long as I read "Batman" comics, I will always hear their voices in my head.

Monday, August 28, 2023

"Big Shots" Re-Watch: "Galileo Hustle" & "Sad Clown A-Go-Go"

 "Cowboy Bebop" (2021)

It only took until episode 7 of its first and only season, but the "Cowboy Bebop" live-action series has finally shown why it maybe could have existed and gone on longer. Let's get to it.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

"The Truth Is Out There" Re-Watch: "Tunguska" & "Terma"

The X-Files

 We are back to the mythology and a visit to Russia. Also, this is an episode where one of the agents has to appear before Congress and I feel like that happens a lot, but maybe this is the first time? Let's get to it.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

"We Used to Be Friends" Re-Watch: "Kane's and Abel's" & "Weapons of Class Destruction"

 Veronica Mars

We are heading towards the first season finale and with that we are getting a renewed focus on the Lilly Kane murder conversation. Let's get into it.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

"Fuck Batman" Titans Recap: "Project Starfire" & "Titans Forever"


We have reached the final two episodes of "Titans." I have been on a real journey with this show. This show really never knew what to do with the characters. It wanted to be one thing, but the characters didn't really facilitate this. The acting was usually sub par. The writing was mediocre. I am a big fan of these characters so I hope at some point they try again to give them a live-action movie/tv series they deserve. Let's see how this all ends.

Monday, August 21, 2023

"Hated and Feared" Re-Watch: "Beyond Good and Evil" Parts 1-4: "The End of Time," "Promise of Apocalypse," "The Lazarus Chamber" & "End and Beginning"


These four episodes were supposed to be the series finale of "X-Men: The Animated Series." Then Fox unexpectedly ordered ten more episodes. This would have been a great ending to the series and we've got four episodes to cover. So, let's not waste any time.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

"Embiggen" Ms. Marvel Recaps: "Time and Again" & "No Normal"

 Ms. Marvel

If you're a comics fan, you know that Kamala Khan has been going through it. She was killed in "Amazing Spider-Man," which is wild, but in comics death is never the end. She was revived on the mutant island nation of Krakoa, finally becoming the mutant she was always destined to be. And it keeps her in line with her MCU counterpart. But, we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves. Let's jump in to these final two episodes.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

"One Girl in All the World" Re-Watch: "Out of Mind, Out of Sight" & "Prophecy Girl"

 Buffy the Vampire Slayer

We have reached the end of season one! I definitely feel like the first season of "Buffy" is something that you just have to kind of get through to get to the brilliance that the show has to offer in seasons 2-7. If you're a fan of Cordelia Chase, these episodes today are for you as the show works to integrate her more into the Scooby Gang. Let's get to it.

Monday, August 14, 2023

A Long Time Ago, During the Clone Wars: Unfinished Episodes: "A Death on Utapau," "In Search of the Crystal," "Crystal Crisis" & "The Big Bang" "Dark Disciple," & "Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir"

 Star Wars The Clone Wars

There were a number of scripts that went unproduced when "The Clone Wars" was unceremoniously cancelled by Cartoon Network. Before we move on to the final season of the show we are going to take a look at those that come to us in the form of four storyboarded episodes, a novel and a graphic novel. Let's get to it.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

"I Am the Moon" Re-Watch: "The Final Battle Between Light and Dark: Pledge of Love for the Future" & "Usagi and the Girls Resolve: Prelude to a New Battle"

 Sailor Moon R

We have reached the end of the second season of "Sailor Moon R." It's been a solid season. And we have a movie before we wrap up entirely and move on to season three. This will be quick one since the second episode we have is a clip show. Let's get to it.

Monday, August 7, 2023

"Last Son" Re-Watch: "The Demon Reborn" & "Legacy" Parts 1 & 2

 Superman The Animated Series

We've reached the end of our coverage of "Superman: The Animated Series." This series was interesting. I don't think that this series ever hits the heights of "Batman: The Animated Series," but it definitely gives the Man of Steel some great moments. It has some truly great episodes. If you're still interested in some Superman animated fun, I'd definitely check out "My Adventures with Superman" on Max. Let's get to it.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

"Big Shots" Re-Watch: "Darkside Tango" & "Binary Two-Step"

 Cowboy Bebop (2021)

Since I took my little July sem-break, I realized that we haven't had a live-action "Cowboy Bebop" post since June 19th. Well, we are back again to talk more about the show that shouldn't really exist. I'm sure you're all excited. Let's get to it.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

"The Truth Is Out There" Re-Watch: "The Field Where I Died," "Sanguinarium" & "Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man"

 The X-Files

July was a busy month so I took a little blogging break. But we are back in full force in August starting off with three "X-Files" episodes. And two are... just OK. But one is pretty great. So it all evens out? Maybe? Let's get to it.