Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BOOM Studios)
One of my first television obsessions as a teenager was "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." We didn't have the WB in the town I grew up until the show had entered its fifth season. I was immediately a Stan. Buffy is everything I want in a heroine. Smart, strong, sassy, flawed, I mean, look at her taste in guys. She was always someone I related to. Every year, I pull out my "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" DVDs and watch the series straight through along with "Angel" and I routinely get something new from the show. It is extremely meaningful to me.
For a long time, Dark Horse Comics held the license to Buffy and they routinely released different comings featuring our favorite Chosen One. There was a series that started during season three that helped flesh out different things and the show continued in comics form with seasons 8-12. Last year, Dark Horse lost the license to the "Whedonverse" characters and it was picked up by BOOM Studios. Rather than re-invent the wheel, BOOM decided to take the characters we know and love and put them back in high school. It's like a re-boot of Buffy in 2019 but with all the original actors playing the roles.