Thursday, April 30, 2020

"In the Name of the Moon" Rewatch: "Usagi Learns Her Lesson: Becoming a Star is Hard Work" & "The Girl Genius Is a Monster: The Brainwashing Cramschool of Horror"

Sailor Moon

We are starting to get into the meat of "Sailor Moon," especially with the second episode we will take a look at in this post. I love Usagi and the first few episodes with her working things out solo are charming and not bad, by any stretch. I just prefer the episodes with the other Senshi. Usagi is an even better when she has her close friends to bounce off of and while Naru is fine, she just doesn't stand shoulder to shoulder with the other Scouts. The introduction of Ami Mizuno comes at just the right time.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Comic Book Corner: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BOOM Studios)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BOOM Studios)

One of my first television obsessions as a teenager was "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." We didn't have the WB in the town I grew up until the show had entered its fifth season. I was immediately a Stan. Buffy is everything I want in a heroine. Smart, strong, sassy, flawed, I mean, look at her taste in guys. She was always someone I related to. Every year, I pull out my "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" DVDs and watch the series straight through along with "Angel" and I routinely get something new from the show. It is extremely meaningful to me.

For a long time, Dark Horse Comics held the license to Buffy and they routinely released different comings featuring our favorite Chosen One. There was a series that started during season three that helped flesh out different things and the show continued in comics form with seasons 8-12. Last year, Dark Horse lost the license to the "Whedonverse" characters and it was picked up by BOOM Studios.  Rather than re-invent the wheel, BOOM decided to take the characters we know and love and put them back in high school. It's like a re-boot of Buffy in 2019 but with all the original actors playing the roles.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

"I Am the Night" Rewatch: "Lock-Up" & "Make 'Em Laugh"

Batman The Animated Series

You may think that these two episodes of B: TAS have nothing in common, but you'd be wrong! They both feature obscure, somewhat ludicrous villains that are created for the show but eventually made their way into the comics. They may not have the recognition and longevity of Harley Quinn, but they are there goddamn it! This common thread may be so think its ready to break, but it exists!