Thursday, March 19, 2020

A Long Time Ago, In A Republic Far, Far Away: The Phantom Menace and Beyond

Star Wars

We've reached the first film in the prequel trilogy, "The Phantom Menace." We will talk about the novelization which, spoiler alert, is far superior to the actual film. Then we will explore the time between Episode 1 and 2, with stories featuring Obi-Wan and Anakin and Padmé Amidala.

"In the Name of the Moon" Rewatch: "Scent of a Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love" & "Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid"

Sailor Moon

So, it was like five months before my last Sailor Moon post and this time it was six. At this rate, I'll make it through the series before I die. Maybe. Let's dive back in.