
There are some comic characters/teams lend themselves to long, legendary runs by some of the mediums top writers and artists. Daredevil has had Frank Miller, Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev tell his tales. The X-Men have had Stan Lee & Jack Kirby, Chris Claremont & John Byrne, Grant Morrison, Joss Whedon & John Cassady. The list goes on and on.
One character that lends itself to these legendary runs is the Dark Knight himself, Batman. If you can think of a classic comic book writer, they have probably written for Batman, whether it be an extended run or a one off. Everyone from Alan Moore and Frank Miller to Jeph Loeb and Grant Morrison have redefined how comic readers look at the tortured hero. When DC made the surprising and controversial move to reboot it's entire line, Batman was one of the few heroes that remained mainly unchanged. DC wasn't content to just let Batman slide on by.
For the first "Batman" #1 in 72 years, they tapped writer Scott Snyder & artist Greg Capullo. For 52 issues, they crafted a saga that is probably in my top 5 comic runs of all-time. Snyder & Capullo launch their legendary run by introducing a sinister Court that shakes the Dark Knight's faith in his own city.