Doctor Who - Series 4 (2008)
I've been enjoying "Doctor Who." A lot more than I initially thought that I would. It's been far from perfect and there have been a lot of growing pains in the first three series. It's easy to overlook a lot of those because of the performances of the principals, especially David Tennant's Tenth Doctor. But, things like that can only be overlooked for so long and I was a little nervous that "Doctor Who" would never live up to the potential and greatness that it sometimes showed. Then series 4 came along. It is by far the best I've seen so far and the apex of Russell T. Davies work on the series. A lot of that has to do with the stellar work done by the Doctor's newest companion, Donna Noble played by the effervescent Catherine Tate. Let's take a deep dive into series 4 of "Doctor Who."