Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Five Television Shows You Should Be Watching

Five Television Shows That You Should Be Watching

This has been a great time for television.  TV is no longer the desolate wasteland of crass, mindless drivel that it once was.  To be fair, it hasn't been for a while.  There are still reality shows and those shows that make you wonder how it got green lighted in the first place: Did anyone watch "Cavemen?"  RIP "Work It."  But for the most part, each network, broadcast and cable and now, Netflix, have multiple shows vying for your attention and no matter how hard you try, you are going to miss something.  Thank goodness for summer.  All the major network shows are on their summer hiatus so now you can spend this beautiful summer weather bingeing all the shows that you missed or didn't have time for during the regular TV season.  Now, like I said, there are a lot to choose from, but here are 5 shows that I think everyone should be watching.