Monday, April 21, 2014

Misogyny in Nerdland: That Scene on Last Night's Game of Thrones (MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT!)

Why the Rape on Last Night's Game of Thrones?

Last night was the third episode of the fourth season of Game of Thrones entitled, "Breaker of Chains."  The episode dealt with the aftermath of the murder of Joffrey Baratheon and showed Daenerys finally reached Mereen.  It was a stand out episode except for one pretty large thing that happened in a scene that happened around the halfway point of the episode.  When I first watched the scene, I was like a lot of people, really mortified and squeamish and I even tried to be a little glib about it on Facebook to try and offset how uncomfortable the whole thing made me.  I'm talking about the rape of Cersei by her brother Jamie, under their son's dead body.  

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Movie Review: Captain America - The Winter Soldier

Movie Review: Captain America - The Winter Soldier

Steve Rogers isn't the most relatable character in the world.  He's kind of like Marvel's Superman.  He can come off as white bread and a little too much like a Boy Scout.  He's super strong so it's hard to find adversaries that can really stand up to him.  His "Aw Shucks" demeanor can sometimes come off as cloying, but Steve as Captain America is pretty big in the Marvel Universe, so Marvel Studios had to come up with a way to make him relatable to modern day movie goers and they seemed to find the right formula with the first film and that carried through to The Avengers.  Now Cap is back in his second solo big screen adventure.  Did this film meet or exceed expectations?  Read on to find out.